Belum caves. A good choice to getaway from Bangalore and Hyderabad on a weekend. It's the second biggest cave in whole Indian subcontinent ( India, Pakistan,Nepal and Bhutan comprises of Indian sub continent) .First one is apparently located in Meghalaya.
It's located near Kurnool. We reached Belum caves on the way from Gandhikotta to Ananthpur. Its maintained very well by Andhra Pradesh tourism board.It's just 300 kms from Bangalore.
Opens from 10 am to 5 pm
Entrance fee is 65/- per adult
Who does not like story? Definitely not me.
Stories are entertaining, engaging and impart some values in our lives.
History is same.
Few dislikes history saying its all about order of events happened,statistics etc.,
Some say "History is written by winners" so you will get to know only winners side of story.
Perspectives of things differ in any part of the world.
Whereas natural structures like Cave would reveal unsaid history.
Caves were once used as a shelter for buddhist monks and Jains.They used to stay there during raining season and also while moving from one place to other while spreading the principles.They might have used this cave for meditation too.
It's just a cave.What's there to see
Belum caves are made up of labyrinth of tunnels that goes for 3 km.But its open for public only for 1.5kms. In that 1.5 km ,you find lot of highs and downs that makes you to crouch and squeeze inside tiny gaps to see the beautiful structures made by nature.
Initially I felt uncomfortable while entering the underground tunnels but once you conquer that initial doubts you will start enjoying the sweat and heat.Cave is properly lit and aerated so you will easily find your way to get inside and out.
Structures like banyan tree, thousand hoods, Pathala Ganga ,Saint's bed are all resultant of stalactite and stalagmite formations (Stalactite is a formation made up of calcium carbonate from the roof of limestone cave. Stalagmite is formed from the floor of a limestone cave.) It's actually unbelievable to see the nature's formation but that's what makes us very humble in front of the big universe.
Rocks inside cave has very thin lines that looks like man has made such lines but its all formed by constant erosion of water that gets absorbed by Cave from underground. Some say caves must be formed by constant flowing of underground rivers.We were not able to fathom Pathala Ganga's depth and source.Some places inside caves were wet and little slippery, that says formations of new stalactite and stalagmite are happening as we speak. Lot of stalactite formations must have been destroyed just to make it accessible for public.
All in all it takes at least 1 hour to explore the Belum Caves.There's a fish spa inside campus to relax after a lot of crouching and walking. For snacks and drinks, there is a small shop as well to feed your hunger.
Explore it on coming weekend to explore nature's wonders within our reach.
If you are claustrophobic then take it slowly and test the water.
Who should not go inside Belum Caves:
If you are someone who wants to take lot of pics with good looking faces and mind blowing Instagram poses then I bet you will fail in front of this majestic caves. Belum Caves win hands down