5 Things I Wish I Had Done in Rome

Photo of 5 Things I Wish I Had Done in Rome 1/4 by Sania Gupta

“Rome is a journey into the past”

There is a lot to explore in this sprawling, magnificent and romantic city of Italy!

Awe-inspiring architecture, vibrant piazzas, cobbled lanes, hidden history and much more, this place is truly an architectural delight and a lover’s paradise!

Anyone who is a traveler by heart can’t miss being in this city to marvel at priceless treasures.

We were in Rome for 3 N/ 4 days and still regret our short stay in a city where without any effort and simply by walking around, you come across masterpieces of art by Raphael frescoes, Michelangelo, Bernini and much more.

For even someone who is not a history buff, this place has a lot to offer. La dolce vita lifestyle, crispy pizzas, cool white wines, world-beating cappuccino, pretty piazzas and abundant shopping places!

Things I Wish I Had Done in Rome

Scroll down to find a list of things I wish I had done in Rome:

Underground Colosseum Tour

Is it that you’re thinking we missed seeing Colosseum?

It’s a sin if you leave Rome without getting to Colosseum and we could just not do it. However, we missed taking the underground tour of Colosseum. We knew about it beforehand but we were short on time. Also, you need to book this tour in advance and not leave it to last minute.

Even more, there is an underground private tour available that takes you to incredible and impressive historic archaeological sites of Underground Rome. On such tours, you’re assigned a private guide who is an expert in Rome history.

They say you discover the actual history of this town is buried underground and on underground tours, you come across a number of historical delights.

Photo of 5 Things I Wish I Had Done in Rome 2/4 by Sania Gupta
Colosseum, Rome

Trevi Fountain

There is a different and unusual joy I experience by putting coins into a historical fountain and silently wishing for something!

The experience of throwing coins in the Trevi Fountain, one of Rome’s most famous monuments, is a very popular ritual. Some say it ensures you get back to Rome again while others say it helps you find your love!

We reached the Trevi Fountain, our coins ready and wish list prepared only to found out that the Trevi fountain was under renovation wrapped in construction netting.

Having seen the pictures, read about the significance of throwing coins there; I couldn’t feel more disappointed and disheartened.

Photo of 5 Things I Wish I Had Done in Rome 3/4 by Sania Gupta
Spectacular View of the Trevi Fountain

The Place of Our Stay

We had booked our hotel at a walking distance from the station. Even though the stay was comfortable and we had no problem commuting to popular attractions as all the bus tours started from there but it would have been lot better if we had stayed closer to a place of spectacle, Piazza Navona.

The places in and around Piazza Navona give you a breathtaking magnificent feeling of Rome: cobbled lanes, open-air cafes, architectural delights, fancy restaurants, and shopping. You can explore everything on foot! And there are 5-star hotels, backpackers’ hostels and boutique hotels to suit every budget.

Photo of 5 Things I Wish I Had Done in Rome 4/4 by Sania Gupta
Piazza Navona


This city offers superlative food and eating out is, indeed, one of the greatest pleasures in Rome. The place is an excellent choice for those who want to indulge themselves in Italian delights.

We indulged ourselves so much into gelatos, wine, and coffee; it skipped our mind to taste the Italy’s most popular dessert and my favorite Tiramisu. A rich treat, Tiramisu has a sexy history in Italian brothels.

I still don’t believe a gastronomic person like me could make such a mistake to regret it for a lifetime.

Cleopatra’s Daughter

I finished reading this book Cleopatra’s Daughter by Michelle Moran, one of the greatest love stories of all the times, a few weeks ago. It’s a story of a daughter of Egypt and a son of Rome, their tale of unbridled passion based in Rome.

Throughout the reading of this marvelous book, I kept reminiscing my time in Rome. How much I wished I had read this book before visiting Rome! I miss the thrill of locating the spots mentioned in the book while I was there in Rome.