A man from Kerala is currently on a 550 days solo overland international trip covering 40 countries in 5 regions.
The fascinating figures are in fact awe-inspiring for any travel enthusiast but there's more to this journey than meets the eye. This 38 year old overlander sold his two bedroom flat in Bangalore alongside a plot of land and set off on an epic journey that has taken the internet by storm.

Hop on, let's follow the incredible journey of Atul Warrier.
In 2012, he took a break from his job at an event management firm and chose to travel solo across South India. He spent a month riding his bike through numerous towns and indulged in the lives of the people he met on the road. He calls this journey an eye-opening experience where he first realized the importance of enjoying one's own company.

The inspiring afterthoughts of this month long trip directed the inception of a bigger travel dream.
And here was the plan. An overland trip starting from Kanyakumari to Chennai later shipping his bike to Thailand and roving across South East Asia and Australia.

He calls his bike, a 2002 model Royal Enfield Thunderbird, The Black Pearl.
The Black Pearl has been with Atul since 2005 and it will be Atul's only companion on this almost 550 days long journey. The bike has been completely modified considering the long route and the difficult terrain. The seating has been repositioned and the fuel tank capacity has been increased to 21L.

Atul's inspiration for this ambitious journey was Gunther Holtorf, a man who was on a 23 year long trip travelling to the uninhabited parts of the world.
Read Gunther Holtrof's story here.

The meticulous planning for the trip involves getting numerous visa approvals, finding suitable arrangements and deals to ship his bike across continents and making the perfect travel plan for every destination he visits.

After an emotional flag off from Kanyakumari in June 2015, he has been busy ticking off every dream on the bucket list.

He visited the the Kayan Tribe in the Thailand-Myanmar border, enjoyed skydiving from 15000 ft in Cairns and constantly meets other interesting travelers on the route. Atul shares his stories from the road on his blog, Warrier's Trail.

Check out the stories from the Warrier's Trail on Facebook.
Tell us your own travel stories from the road. Share your experiences, tell us about the places you have travelled to and the people you met.