I wish one could understand how different life is from the visor of your helmet. It is a single pointed mission where you are in unison with nature on 2 wheels. Turn by turn, round and round, in sun, in cold, in rain , in mud , at night you go on and on.. It is that excitement of something beautiful at the turn, the hum of the engine, change of gears and the acceleration and deceleration and the constant focus on what lies ahead, probably this is about being more in the moment, living the moment. Unlike your sophisticated cars which just block the mountain roads a bike is a much more elegant way of travelling. A bike makes you more open to things, more open to nature, more open to people around while closing your door , rolling up your window just makes you the same closed person that you were in the city.
There has been no biking trip without some share of surprises and adventure. This one too had its share of fun.Came out of harsil gate and gave a person lift, only realised an hour later that he was a junior from college. Had the best momos as per locals in a radius of 100km, had home cooked lunch in an abandoned shop on the highway while it was pouring outside, experienced being at only 70 km from Tibet border, rode in night amidst thunder and rains, lost my way twice and many more. Hope someday you leave your city habits behind, lower down your self esteem and find time to be on two wheels.