East sikkim very well reachable by roads and swanking the aura of NATULA is not hidden from anyone in country or abroad. Yuksom lake in between is again a passerby attraction and you can sense the amount of excitement as you explore the road ahead.

For anyone who belongs to INDIA ( and that goes for any country ) the amount of curiosity to know the minute details on border clashes ( if any ) is understandable and that's also way of knowing whether media is playing their part fairly or not. Hoisted flags making their way amidst strong winds on top of several mountains across border are enough to receive goosebumps. You might get chance to interact with soldiers onboard ,an add on, and they might instill you with a pinch of valour courage and sacrifices.

Road further ahead to ZULUK valley is full of bumps , off road , under construction and next worldly delight. You got to see the harsh realities and survival of the fittest by yourself.
Not everything wat you see from a distant is true nor is it false either. Probability and intution always have an upper hand as far as things,which does not give clear picture, are concerned.
Curvaceous roads of ZULUK become risky and mysterious by night and as you march towards the forest ,beings who lives there spray a sense of fear and give hint that night's could become tormenting for you supposedly indicating you to halt and rest.
People are nice friendly and informative and possess good driving sense which is least expected when roads are off.
Ahead on same road and towards RONGLI dense trees wave you a welcoming goodbye (invite you to come again ).Road are under the radar of security forces and permit checks should not be missed.
The eastern part of Sikkim is thus a mix of baffled terrain containing numerous treasure of secrets which do refused to unravel as