My chronicle is incomplete without you! #TravelFromHome

24th May 2020
Photo of My chronicle is incomplete without you! #TravelFromHome by Travellers_Chronicle
Day 1

Travel and photography for me are like two sides of the same coin. Without the two I feel empty and lost. I travel both solo and in group! And trust me both these experiences are fun. No matter where I go, whatever I plan for; ranging from road trips, camping, treks, beaches or just quick getaways, there is one constant travel buddy I have who never lets me down. So this is to that buddy of mine who is has always been there by me and has witnessed every moment of my travel's chronicle.
Though in every trip I'm surrounded by a huge squad of travellers or high number of tourist, without you I would not have survived any of my travel expeditions. Way back in 2016 when I started off as an amateur to till date when I have been literally addicted to travel and photography you have been like a perfect offsider.
This lockdown made me realise how intensely I'm attached to you. Indeed I miss you loads! Unable to spend quality time with you this long feels like a curse to me. So on my knees I ask you out tonight❤️

My travel buddy!

Photo of My chronicle is incomplete without you! #TravelFromHome by Travellers_Chronicle