परासर लेक की विंटर ट्रेक


Had heard a lot about this lake and the small floating island in it.

What I got?

👇🏻 This January...

Semi frozen lake...

The splendid surroundings, blanketed in snow.

Extreme serenity,

Challenging winter trail,

But eventually,

I just loved the trek. Trails passing through the woods made me more stronger than ever before.

I would say it’s a must do trek... Best Time to visit: 👉🏻If you get mesmerised by the snow and have guts to accept extreme challenges then choose any time in between First week of January and Feb. 👉🏻If you get mesmerised by the lavish green grass and love small patches of bugyals then go in between June-September.

Trek length: 8-9 km

It’s a tough trek during winters while easier one in summers...

Duration of trek: 5-7 hours, this usually depends on your औकात... PC: @kavindrakabir 😎