Stonehenge is one of the most intriguing attractions in the area of the United Kingdom. It is situated in Wiltshire, England and is thought to be one of the original archaeological sites that existed around the world. One of the many wonders of Stonehenge is its seemingly endless line of standing stones. The arrival of visitors to Stonehenge is always exciting, because the line of Stonehenge is never the same each time. To get a real sense of the past and to see the real artifacts of the Stonehenge excursion, it is important to look into some of the fine accommodations and travel options available to tourists who are planning a trip to Stonehenge.
Considering the incredible popularity of the iconic place, tickets should be booked in advance (I recommend this resource If you prefer to drive yourself and avoid crowds, use this service.
When thinking about booking a hotel at Stonehenge, it is a good idea to do some research on the internet so as to find out which hotels offer tours of Stonehenge and what they have to offer to their guests. There are many hotels in London that offer tours and to stay there one must make sure that the hotel they select has rooms with a view of Stonehenge. If Stonehenge is not your kind of holiday then there are other accommodation options available in the London area including self catering apartments. These Stonehenge apartments allow people to benefit from the natural setting of Stonehenge by having the flexibility to choose when they eat, whether they tour the area or not and also whether they use the modern facilities or not. For many visitors this is the ideal way to travel around Stonehenge as they do not have to worry about booking hotels and looking for tours.
Many hotels in London offer special packages for tourists who want to stay in central London. If you want to take advantage of these offers then book your hotel room early so as to avoid disappointment if Stonehenge has a special tour or festival operating at the time you wish to visit. Also remember that hotels can vary greatly in price. Therefore it is important to shop around before deciding on which hotel to stay in.
Many hotels in London have websites these days where you can see exactly what the hotel accommodations look like and whether you can find exactly what you are looking for in terms of facilities and price. This is a good way of planning your trip as it allows you to make a detailed budget. You will be able to find exactly what you are looking for and make your hotel booking quickly and easily without any unnecessary delays.
Another thing that many tourists find interesting is Stonehenge itself. With over 300 car parks there is no doubt that tourists love the idea of parking their cars and wandering around this vast area. In fact, there are many companies now that offer shuttle services around Stonehenge enabling visitors to explore the landscape and perhaps even venture a little further into the area. However, if you would prefer to walk you can still find your way around the site. All you need is a map and the time.
Stonehenge is certainly a unique site and one that any tourist will treasure for many years to come. With the amazing ceremonial sites, the large open expanses and the landscape of the Pennine hills, Stonehenge definitely has something to offer any visitor. Although it is one of the largest places in England and certainly one of the more difficult to reach sites, there are definitely great opportunities for tourists to get a trip packed full of enjoyment.