Being not born with a silverspoon in the mouth means that traveling around the world requires hard labour and alot of saving money. I envy those people who could spend alot of their money traveling without thinking what will they eat or will they still have their jobs after their vacation. Can i just do that? Or can anyone just pay me to travel? I know most of you want the same thing but here we are... Saving every bit of what we have for our next trip, filling up those leave forms so that our travel will be of no hustle.
But as what they say "It's free to dream" and tho we can't be those people who are living the dream, it should not stop us from reaching our dream.
I know you too have your own dream destinations, places we stare on a magazine page or on a facebook posts. Let me share you my top 5 dream destinations
1. Israel - Born and raised on a Christian family, its a dream to step on the Holy land where Jesus have onced walked, to pray in its courts and lean on the wailing wall, to stroll on the olive garden, be amazed by Church of the Holy Sepulchre and read the news while floating on the dead sea.
2. Egypt- Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by the Egyptian culture. From pharoahs, pyramids, hieroglyphics and artifacts. I even believed before that i was a pharoah in my previous life 😂😂 I want to see those sarcophagi and obelisks and have a short trip on the river nile.
3. France- Spared from the bombing of the World war, France preserved its beauty and splendor. Its wonderfully preserved ancient buildings are nothing but beauty. I want to walk on those streets like in a museum and be amazed by its grandeur and beautiful architechture.
4. Japan- Cherry blossoms, Food, Disneyland, technology, culture, I've never met someone who doesn't want to be in japan or doesn't want to come back in japan. It's the city of the future where the past dwells with the present.
5. Iceland - I want to visit Iceland not because of their ice ofcourse. Hahaha. But c'mon! Northern lights? Auroras? Who wouldn't want to see those spectacles and bathe on the Blue Lagoon? Ice-capped mountains, hot springs, I know I need to visit this place, and you should too.
Let's go? Your treat? 😂👍