One of the many meanings of the term 'Hampi' is 'Champion'. Indeed, the rule of King Krishna Deva Rai was indeed the age of champions with trade, literature and architecture flourishing under his rule. Even today, Hampi's ancient archaeological site champions the cause of women. The girls from the neighbouring villages have found a vocation in helping the huge number of tourists thronging to the popular destination. They ferry the tourists in battery-run vehicles (eco-friendly transport provided by the Karnataka state government) at a nominal price. There are very few places to stay while at Hampi, mine was sponsored by the Hyatt Place (thanks to them). There are some really good and economical places to board at across the Tungabhadra river. Of course, it might a good idea to skip your visit in the monsoon as the river swells quite a scary bit. On toher days, it might serve you ell to take a local ferry (round boat) trip across the river.