Going to Argentina has been a dream of mine since High School. My Spanish teachers were Argentinian ladies, who somehow instilled a love for their country in me.
Years went by and it became a distant dream. I procrastinated. Part of it was trying to get another person to go with me. Then suddenly, I had a moment of awakening and decided to break away from my routine & the usual travel companions who don't want to step out of their comfort zone.
Taking the plane from London to Buenos Aires felt felt like an escape. It was liberating. Like taking a rocket to the moon. Literally.
Buenos Aires was amazing. What impressed me the most was the vast amount of French architecture and Parisian style Avenues in the large city center. It was like Paris on steroids, however, because the buildings are supersized. The scale is larger than they would have been designed in Paris. And most building were well preserved, although once you entered cafes for example they seemed worn out and from a bygone era.
Of course, I had to go to Patagonia. Another 3 hours further south. Another lunar rocket sensation. Further escaping. I chose ElCalafate & ElChalten, only transiting through Ushuaia this time. One day I will go back to Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Torres Del Paine & and the Antarctic.
I spent 8 days in Patagonia. 4 out of these had bad weather. The rest was amazing weather. The lesson I learned is that for an outdoor holiday like this, I should reserve extra days and try to only go out when the weather is good.