A long-planned road trip from Madurai finally happened during Pongal holidays. Even though I was satisfied with what I wanted to achieve, I was so pissed with the traffic. We'll see that below in a detailed manner.

Day 1 – Uphill
Our initial plan was to start early morning 6 AM but that slowly changed to 9 AM. Anyways nothing to complain as we didn't waste any time. Had excellent Tamarind Rice and Chicken to the fullest and also packed some for the drive. It was totally needless as the trip was only for a couple of hours. That Tamarind Rice and Chicken kept me in cheerful mood for a while as it was a combination that I've never had. The navigation took a while as none were clear of the route from Madurai to the highway, but somehow, we scrapped through after filling diesel for Rs. 2000. The road from highway to the base of Kodaikanal was a breeze. We briefly stopped for a break and had tender coconut. One of the best tender coconuts I've had in recent time. Tasty and filling. But that meant, our bladder would start bursting with time.
From there it was all uphill to the room, with temperature getting colder and weather becoming more enjoyable. We had packed a few packets of chopped sugarcane to feed the monkeys but by the way it attacked us for the food, we decided against it and went off. Our car started to show signs of struggle when going uphill but nothing major. Just that I couldn't keep the pace as much as I wished.
We were to have lunch midway but due to our bursting bladders we first wanted to go to room, finish our afternoon ablutions and then do whatever we wanted to. The room was right on the road of lake. An excellent place, only when we removed our footwear, we got to know how cold it really was. We quickly started for lunch as all of us were very hungry. We had to park our car somewhere and wade our way through alleys to get to the restaurant where it was crowded beyond expectation. But once we settled, the service was good, food was excellent even though the menu was minimal. We were thoroughly satisfied.
We again came back to room to get to extra winter clothing and first went to super crowded Bryant Park, in spite of being nastily crowded, it was still enjoyable, thankfully due to mist covering. We got few great photos when mist existed. Beyond that there was nothing to do. An uphill walk from there in a narrow lane led us to Coakers Walk, even though not as crowded as Bryant Park, it was still crowded, there was absolutely no view due to the mist, yet we were happy due to the mist covering. From there we took a long walk to Spencer's which again was crowded, people really know where to go. We had excellent Filter Coffee (avoid Tea as it's instant) and Mini Puffs but the real show stealer was the Homemade Ice Cream which wasn't like anything I've had before. I wish we had gone there early so that we could have tried every flavor. As it was close to 6 PM, most of it was closed.
We took a walk from there and had corn on the way near lake. As the sun got down the crowd slowly started dispersing which meant there were hordes of cars parked here and there which got stuck in jam. We came back from there to room to rest for a while. Now, the cold was getting on me so I had to spend the next one hour restlessly. Even though we were not hungry we went to Hilltop Inn for dinner. There was a board mentioning that most people had gone on leave as it was Pongal holidays, so service would be slow. It was slow alright and was equally bad too. Food was pathetic, especially the home style chicken curry we had was horrible, just a watery soup with masala. Thankfully we were not hungry, otherwise it'd have been a bummer.
Day 2 – Downhill
After a cold night we woke up at six to the views of beautiful Kodai Lake with the vapors rising from water as the sun struck. Not sure whether there was any frost but it was really beautiful. Had tea near the entrance of our house and ventured out to do what I wanted to do in Kodai, the reason I made a visit to Kodai. Went for a morning run around the lake. It was lovely to see the map view once I came back from run.
We thought of staying in Kodai for couple of nights but seeing the crowd, decided against it. Plus, there was nothing much to do even otherwise. So, we packed all our luggage and started for breakfast. Breakfast was brilliant at Astoria restaurant. As it had got late and we were damn hungry we finished almost everything in the menu. We went to check for chocolates in Pastry Corner but got info the previous day that chocolates were no longer available there so bought from the nearby shops. The place was crowded beyond words.
We got permissions for Berijam Lake at that point and proceeded towards it. We "saw" the regular viewpoints like Rose Garden, Pine Forest, Pillar Rocks, Guna Caves and every other crowded spots from car. Traffic was horrible and overtaking spoilt it furthermore. On top of it we missed the path to Berijam Lake which was near impossible to know for first timers. So, we had to turn again for the Lake and bypass all the traffic again. At least the drive to Berijam Lake was good. We first went to Berjiam Lake which was the end of the tunnel. It wasn't anything great. Took few photos and came back seeing various viewpoints in solace like Mathikettan Solai View, Silent Valley View etc. Few was good and few had mist. Thankfully there was no crowd so it felt better. The permission says it's only for 50 vehicles per day but nearly a thousand people were inside it. I don't know how it works.

Once we hit the road, we drove to the lake quickly as the crowd had started to disperse. As we reached there about 4 PM we proceeded with the plan to reach Madurai by night. The drive downhill was terrific. The gearbox which was giving problem in the morning didn't give any problem post that. But once we hit the highway, due to an accident there was huge traffic pile up. So, we reached Madurai only at 9 PM.
The drive which started at 11 AM continued till 9 PM with hell lot of traffic. On an average it's more than the drive from Chennai to Madurai. I could do it without getting pissed only because it's the first time I was taking the route. Otherwise it'd have been impossible to maintain my sanity.