You know what matters to you right? You also know the sheer happiness you get when you do something that matters to you? Now let's also state the fact that most of you (like me) enjoy travelling. I think everyone out here enjoys travelling unless they're motion sick or home sick all the time. Now let's keep all of this aside and focus on travelling. What does travelling mean to you? Is it your idea of getting away from stress and all the pressure that's on you when you're back home and at work or is it you're only wanting thing? At this time, I won't lie, it's my only wanting thing. And I'm 101272% sure if you're reading this, you too want to travel everywhere you could, all your life. I itch to travel. I itch to see a different sunset in a different part of the world and in all the free time that I have, 90 percent of the time, I'm planning my next travel. I do!! And after I've decided where to go what to see there, the third leg is as important as the place. It's where you want to stay. Unless my trip is sponsored by my parents or a third party I always would want to stay in HOSTELS!
I'd stay in a hostel any day. BUY WHY???
What I really like about staying in hostels is that it unleashes my creativity. How? Because hostels are always so creatively done. Nope, you would never find a boring hostel. Some hostels are so quirky and some hostels and very designer. Hostels are also very cozy because even if it's a budget hostel, they don't miss out of comfort. You will still get that 'spring bed feeling' with all your layers of mattresses along with your own charging spot and a spot light. Some hostels also have the curtain system to provide added privacy, graffiti on their doors, colourful walls, super friendly (most of the times), lots of 'frames' for your ideal Instagram profile, there is so much to see in your very own hostel, it'll take you some real time to check out and admire the property.

If you're a solo traveler, it's a great chance to meet people who also believe in travelling and maintaining budget like you. People who travel in groups, it could be a good chance to expand your group to new people right? I love the fact that travelling solo pushes you out of your comfort to talk and get to know people staying in the same place, unlike hotels. When you're travelling with your friends and I talk with experience, you don't really want to know one another. You just want to be an acquaintance. In fact when you're alone trying to push your head into the book you've bought for yourself on the trip, you'd really want to have someone to talk to and share what you've done, what you've been doing and what your future plan on this trip is.

Again, if you're solo, chances are that you meet travellers who could tag along the rest of your trip. I've met most of my friends like this. It take a little bit of courage to trust them and VOILA! you're going around the city with your new amigos. More fun, more memories, more experience of the fellow traveler so more experiences, right?

YOU KNOW IT!!!! If you're travelling solo, why on earth will you pay for two?!!? HOSTELS ARE SO AFFORDABLE AND CHEAP FOR THE SERVICES THEY OFFER. The hostels I've stayed in have always smelled good, gave me the same comfort as a boutique hotel, more public space and value for money. There's free WI-FI, you sit by the porch, you play with their cats or you play a guitar by the couch, hostels are definitely worth it. Helps you save for exciting things ahead too, right?

Your hostel might also offer photo walks and night runs for the entire hostel at minimal charge. I stayed at the Zostel PANCHGANI and we had hikes to this hill point that only they knew. Crazy right? The way you want to know people when you travel is exactly how the hostel think too. It wants you to blend in, make new connections and have fun. Hostels offer a variety of things for the group and it's great because you're friends with the gang already and it's still private. My hostel in Phuket had a kayaking day out. My Hostel in Chitkul ( Himachal Pradesh ) had a trek to the flag on a big ass mountain, I mean what else do you need if you're feeling all shy exploring alone.

You're an extrovert? Choose the dorm. If you're still warming up to the idea of a hostel, hostels have private rooms too!!!! Higher priced, it's still a great way to experience things and still push yourself and take one step at a time. Remember, I'm still proud of you!!

Some hostels are beautiful setup for sure but they are also beautiful set up at beautiful locations!!! My recent trip to Himachal Pradesh showed me that. Remote locations, your peace of mind ( even when there are people around you ) is all guaranteed.

Some of my friends in Bali couldn't believe that I'm Indian, some folks in Bangkok thought Indians drank blood on Durga Pujo. Hilarious but yeah! but I've had my share of pre-conceived assumptions about different cultures. Guess what! My bubble busted when I started travelling. I've never had such a crowd of mixed nationalities around me and when I did, I realised it's a good place to learn and grow. It's a great medium to be shocked and vice versa, learn, test your knowledge and still keep going with all that you've got.

Being a cabin crew, I won't lie but my job has perks. Fancy hotels, free buffets and timely pick ups and drops, they've made me lazy. I'm so laid back that I wouldn't care if its raining, snowing, thunder storming outside and I still wouldn't leave my bed. I'm accustomed to this lifestyle that I dread the day I have to leave this job. But the part about the hostels in India and anywhere else is that you hardly feel that you've stepped down the ladder. It's the same comfort, same aroma, same warmth, same benefit ( in fact more, sometimes.)
Times when you just don't wanna get out of you bed or your hostel is a great time to vial everything that your hostel offers. You hungry? Grab a meal from the 24*7 and eat it by the pool. Still hungry? Make yourself a grilled cheese in your hostel's shared kitchen. Kitchen space is huge and it's filled with ample amount of your necessities. Sit but the dining table and fire that baby up. Some hostels serve breakfast at minimal rates ( compare 250 bucks of a hostel to a 1499 + taxes in hotel ). You wanna read books? Borrow from the library. You wanna have a cup of coffee that looks like five star? Go to the in-house cafe. You wanna drink it up? Hit the bar!!

Hostels gives you an opportunity to speak to the local staff who are not dressed up in suits and formal verbiages, they talk to you about the best bars, strip clubs, secret spots and even help you reach it if they have a day off.
My hosts at Phuket at the @baaanbaanhostel were the cutest, they made sure I reached my bus on time, lent me a scooter to go have my birthday lunch at this beautiful cafe up the Rang Hill. They also made sure I saw 'Up' on my birthday and cut a cake surrounded by them because they knew my arsehole friends wouldn't call me at midnight according to the Thailand timezone. My hosts from Bali actually invited me to work with them as a staff, you know what I'm talking about!

Unlike hotels, private cars are not expensive to rent here and who even needs a car when you travel solo. Hostels provide scooters and cycles, unlike five star hotels for affordable rates. You paddle you way out in the city without caring about how much it's going to cost. Hostels also help you own with your tour guides and trust me, they're very personal and nice. Hostels help you with their own transport vendors which are definitely not as expensive as the hotel ones

Do you research. Not all hostels look the same they look in pictures SO please! Do your research. When I say hostels are amazing, you also need to put in efforts in finding the best one for you.
-I book through Booking.com where I don't have to pay till I reach the place. Good options, good interface to browse and they have good cancellation policies and benefits.
-Choose a hostel that serves you purpose in terms of getting out and exploring. Sure there are too many hostels where I didn't want to get out of the hostel itself because the place was too pretty in itself but if you plan of getting out and exploring the city you're in, make sure you book one in the city centre. That allows you to stay out late and come back without wondering if you're even going to make it.
-They're nice people. You can always check out the day you want to leave, request them and keep your bags at the reception and explore, come back and leave to the next place.
-They might have airport shuttles, just like hotels, don't hesitate to ask. If not, they can always guide you the cheapest way to your hostel.
If you think Hostels are always self - serviced and that no one comes to your rescue because you pay nominal, you're wrong. Hostels don't make you do ALL THE WORK ALL BY YOURSELF, OF COURSE YOU HAVE HOUSEKEEPING AND IT'S ALWAYS BETTER TO ASK FOR ANYTHING THAT YOU NEED .
SO, the next time you visit a hostel for your first time or your 103893th time, don't forget to look into all the details , have fun and post a picture for me!
Cheers xoxo