Once upon a time, far far away, there was a love story that can still be seen today.
It’s about a river and a mountain that fell in love with each other. But their fate was such that while the mountain always stayed at one place, the river freely flowed everywhere.
While the mountain was happy about the freedom the river had, but deep inside it wanted to flow with the river, and see new places and new things. Sadly, it wasn’t possible for the mountain.

As time passed, this thought, made the mountain depressed. Looking at the mountain, the river understood what the mountain is going through, but sadly could not take the mountain with it.
That’s when the river decided to cheer the mountain up. It started working day in and day out, to bring a smile to the mountain. No easy task that was. But the river did not give up and kept trying.

After millions of years, the river was finally able to make the mountain smile. By carving it’s path around the mountain, in a circular way, that started looking like a smile in the mountains (sadly, not visible in the picture above. But you will when you see it in reality). The smiling mountain ensured that life sprouted around, and it also became the greenest canyon in the world.

Looking at it, the place was named Blyde River Canyon in 1844, where ‘Blyde’ means ‘Glad’, ‘Happy, or ‘Joyous’ in Dutch.
The effect of this place is such, that it brings a smile to everyone who witnesses it.