Really ? Just a Party Hostel !

22nd Dec 2021

North goa is about party and If there is one hostel who does justice to all the party is the xoxo hostel. The hostel has amazing property with a pool, cool bar and absolutely amazing kitchen.

In anjuna surely xoxo is the best hostel and Xo and April the too beautiful souls makes it even better to be there.

If you are a party person surely Xoxo is the place to be and go all out.

The best part of the hostel is the kitchen staff who serves happiness each day and serves the best food of all with a smile on their face always.

But, something that has taken my mind off this place is the failure of understanding and gratitude towards nature, environment and the people who lives around the hostel.

Slowly and slowly the party hostel can take turns and turn into a drug hostel. And even that is something I am not too worried about. It's the sense of respect one can not have for people and them selves.

While one of the owner mohak will always make sure that everything is just fine and in work place to maintain the vibe, the other owner is least bothered and takes all the advantage he can, from liquor to the girls and what shames this part the most is, he allows he elder brother to do the same.

On one hand when there is staff like suri bhai and anju who makes this place better to live each day and helps people out always, the other owner and the other staff anvesha has no self respect and respect for people.

It is as if they wish to purposely spoil the place. Anvesha doesn't bother to help any one. She is just there to enjoy and work is nothing but a myth to her.

What hurts me most is that no one respects the people who serves food and the kitchen staff. the people who work hard all the time and makes this place as it should be.

And more than that no one realizes how perfect nature is around them. From the birds to the dogs everyone wants to be a part of that place but no one understands and are way to drunk or high in liquor or power.

If you go there just remember enjoyment comes at a cost of leaving humanity behind.

As there is no respect of women there by men and women both.

But till the time mohak, Suri bhai, anju and the kitchen staff remains this place will stay happening, but I am sure the time will come when some of them have to go and this place might just go down all at once.

Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur
Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur
Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur
Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur
Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur
Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur
Photo of Xoxo hostel, Gumal Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa, India by Yati Gaur