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Shinkansen Ride-Lifetime experience
The Shinkansen, colloquially known in English as the Bullet Train, is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan.
If you are in Japan, the ride of Shinkansen is must. The current network covers almost whole of Japan. Train running at a maximum speed of whooping 320Km/Hr.

The easiest and cheapest way to have bullet train rides is through a Japan Rail Pass.
Japan Rail Pass is a very cost effective rail pass for long distance train travel in Japan and offers unlimited use of JR trains.

Japan Rail Pass is key to sighting in Japan. You can use it to ride Shinkansen. You can use it on trains and buses all over Japan operated JR Group. You can ride the JR line all over Japan with just one pass.
You can buy National Pass(which will cover whole of Japan) or Regional Pass as well depending on your travel itinerary.
Regional Rail Pass
The JAPAN RAIL PASS can only be purchased by:
Foreign tourist visiting Japan from abroad for sightseeing, under the entry status of "Temporary Visitor".
Japanese national who have their Japanese passport and written proof obtained from the embassy of Japan in the foreign country where they live, that they have been living legally in the country for 10 consecutive years or more.
You must purchase your Japan Rail Pass before coming to Japan. Purchase an Exchange offer from one of the following authorised sales offices of JTB Corp., Nippon Travel Agency, Kintetsu International, Tobu Top Tours, Japan Airlines, NA Sales Americas, JALPAK, and their associated agencies.
Once you reach Japan, present your Exchange Order at Japan Rail Pass Exchange office to obtain your pass. There are two types of Japan Rail Pass:
A) Green(for superior-class Green Cars)

B) Ordinary
Each of these types is available as a 7-day, 14-day or 21-day PASS.
It's make the travel economical, especially ride of Shinkansen.
Skips the ticketing queue.
Ease of travel, comprehensive railway network that covers every corner of the four major islands of Japan.
Can we used in Shinkansen, Normal Trains and Buses operated by Japan Railways Group.
Frequent trains. More than 20,000 departures everyday Punctual, advanced, fast and safe.