Has it ever happened with you that you thought of something subconsciously and it has come true, without you even realising it. How would you feel? Elated? Well, atleast I felt happy when I was able to live my unrealistic dream of doing Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Honestly, thinking of Mighty Kailash still gives me goosebumps, especially when I never imagined that I would be able to do it so early in my life. I am yet to accept that I could spend 20 days on a trail, I wouldn’t have even envisioned in my dreams.
My journey of knowing Kailash started in 2012, when a random article online got me intrigued and what followed was a deep fascination of understanding it, even more. For me, the mighty Kailash never hold much relevance as a pilgrimage but the stories I heard. I remember meeting a person during one of the workshop on Himalayas where he shared his experience of a family member curing himself of a lifelong disease just by being on this Yatra, which was pronounced incurable. Another claimed to have recovered a huge loss. All this lead me to think- what is exactly there at Kailash that people come back with these huge experiences, which made me wish for a visit.
But my journey didn’t start on a good note. I fell under the weather and my tonsils swelled, followed by Fever. There was a time I seriously felt if I will be able to carry on like this for Kailash. You need a level of fitness to be able to complete this trail, especially the Parikrama around the Mount Kailash. But one of the things which really triggered and de-motivated me was the reactions I got from my friends with whom I shared the news. Barring one or two who were supportive, others asked me Why Kailash? Or why Atleast NOW?
Since Kailash Mansarovar Yatra carries the tag of being the pilgrimage for older people, I was suggested that at this age I should be doing better things and rather should be exploring the more rare part of the world. So, while I didn’t have much to say that time but now, when I am back experiencing it all by myself, here are my reasons- Why I chose to be at Kailash Mansarovar Yatra and feels that you should also do it NOW:
It is a journey of FINDING YOUR STRENGTH: Sometimes it really baffles me to think that how quick we are to label or tag a place, without realising its worth. Believe me when I say that we- the human beings- do not realise our potential. We do not realise how powerful our mind is, that it can actually get us whatever we desired in our lives, ever.
The inner connection is the most powerful to drive your life. There was a moment when I wasn’t able to move. Due to rains and low temperature, the oxygen levels got dip and since we all were rushing to reach our stop, I had bouts of breathlessness. Only to realise that I cannot continue with physical strength and that’s where I stopped and told myself that I can do this. The last thing I remember is- that in the last hour of the trek, I was literally running on a trail when others were struggling to even walk and all by telling myself that I can do this.
Testing Body Endurance: Before leaving for Kailash Yatra, I confined to a friend that for the first time I am feeling nervous and is not really confident that if I can make it, for the simple fact that Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is not easy. We are living on an attitude above 5500 m for most of the days. My friends were confident that with a week’s training I can pull it off. But this trail is different. I have carried on many high altitude trails easily but this terrain is tough and shouldn’t be taken for granted. It will put your body to real test and if not anything else, it will atleast make you realise the importance of ONE breath for our body
So, even if you are in your best form! You are fit & healthy, it is no guarantee that you can complete the Parikrama of Kailash. Best of the people in shape hasn’t been able to complete this Parikrama and it has happened that a normal person has completed it. Such are the energies here. I was told that the heavier you are in thoughts from the inside, the more difficult it gets for people to walk on this trail. Faith and Grace is something which will get you here and I was happy to be amongst the one- Crying and going silent when I saw Kailash- the First but this is from where I even got the strength to continue
The Impressive & Unspoilt Beauty: As I keep updating my Social Media handles with the pictures from Kailash, I received comments where people mentioned that the beauty of this trail is beyond belief. Honestly, sometimes it was difficult to decide for us which way to look and which way to ignore.
I remember the 1st day while we started our trek for Derapuk, I was told that the trail I would get to walk through is unimaginable and true to its words, it was. Such is terrain of Kailash. Rough which will leave you to gasp for oxygen every minute but equally beautiful, which will leave you mesmerised every second
The Whole Aura of Kailash: Now this is something which is hard to explain or put across in words because it is more about your personal feelings and experience. There were thousands of emotions I went through, just when I saw Mount Kailash. I had a red eye when I sat on a stone and went into Zen mode.
I kept looking at Kailash and didn’t realise when I started meditating. I looked at it again and felt that it is calling me close. I turned around and saw people chanting Shiv Shambho. I looked around and saw humanity, where people serve and take care of each other selflessly.
On the whole, I don’t know what but the magical aura around Kailash, is said to have transformed many lives. They say that many saints visit Kailash and go on meditating silently, which adds to the positive vibes here. I seriously don’t know what it is but I was told that my old body software is corrupted and that I have got loaded with a new one. Since the time I am back, I have this inward zest in me that I want to change myself. Every day I get up and I decide to be a new me. Less complicated and much happier.
And as I still continue to pray that Kailash calls me once again- I have just one thing to say that there is never tomorrow. Honestly, I feel that your body adjust to the altitude here much better when you are young, since it is rough. Also that it is terrain which you would really want to enjoy rather than struggling to get one breathe. So, break your barrier. Change the way you look at things. You never know which opportunity changes you !
For more stories, please visit my Travel & Fitness Blog here