The year 2020 is going to be remembered distinctively for many decades to come. We all experienced something we never thought even possible. My grandmother, who is almost 80 years old, told even she has not seen a similar situation in her life. Everyone from every corner of the world faced a similar situation, went through similar emotions around the same time. Life came to a halt. People saw sickness, poverty, uncertainty, and death. No one knows what to be done. No one knows how long.
At the same time, humankind got time to retrospect. We have learned to acknowledge things that are important to us, people that are important to us. We have learned to respect the environment a little more. We have learned to live minimalistic. We have learned to distinguish between luxury and necessity. Overall, we have learned to not take things for granted. Things like time, health, hygiene, love, humanity, and care.
People searched for happiness in everything. But 2020 showed us we still need only 3 things in life to be happy as it were at the initiation of human civilization. Shelter, food, and loved ones. Rest we can live without.
Isn't it nature’s way of giving humankind a reality check? Or, a warning?
The most interesting thing we have learned is the best thing we can do for our family is to stay away from them. If someone would have told me this a year back, I would have laughed it off thinking he/she must have had an overdose of 90s Bollywood movies or Ekta Kapoor’s daily soaps. But things have turned upside down in a year. Elders are the most vulnerable to the virus. Would you risk traveling 2500 km with 200 strangers and another 1000 people in transit and probably be a carrier? If you have older parents and grandparents at home, you might have just put their lives in grave danger. Many of us went through a similar dilemma.
I know this has been said again and again. I am not saying anything new. It is not me who is speaking. It’s the emotional overflow going on in my head right is speaking. I am going HOME after a year!!! 😊
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