At Distance of 12kms from Kashi , Lies a Place of peace and tranquility where Buddhism was first started-Sarnath.

Sarnath is the birth place of Buddhism , It’s a place where Buddha started advocating Dharma and buddhism to his Followers.

Sarnath is visited by Devotees across the world, Sarnath also has many different Temples of Various country.

Devotees throng sarnath , as its one of the 4 spiritual places to be visited by the followers of Buddhism.

One should make it a visit to sarnath , during the visit to kashi.
Sarnath also is home to the famous Ashoka pillar. Its also the capital of King ashoka

Other Notable places to visit Near to Sarnath
Chaukhandi Stupa
Archaeological Museum
Srilankan Buddhist Temple
Malaysian Buddhist Temple
Tibetan Buddhist temple