Real travel is always about the journey and not the destination. Having a travel bucket list is indeed very important because it helps you determine the distance that separates you from your goal. It helps you to freely think about adventures you have longed to do all your life or travel to off beat destinations that you’ve always wished to travel. It helps you maintain a list and kick off each destination one by one and add new things to it when you update it. It gives you a boost of knowing that ‘I AM ALMOST THERE’.
1. Helps list down destinations, without forgetting any.
While making a bucket list, it’s always common to forget a few destinations and a few things you want to try out. We are always bombarded with fantastic ideas and creative activities that we have always dreamt of trying at least once in our lifetime. Listing down everything in a diary would be a fantastic idea.
2. Takes you one step closer to those destinations.
Destinations that you add to your bucket list are destinations that you’ve always longed to visit and which will make you happy. The burning desires growing within you to experience those adventures is priceless and gets you one step closer to it already. You simply have to give some space to let the magic flow and ignore voices telling you that some of your bucket list dreams just won’t happen.
3. Makes you happy.
The best part about maintaining a bucket list is that as time evolves we either kick things off it or add some into it. Updating your bucket list gives you mere happiness because it helps you accomplish travel goals and gets a smile on your face when you’ve kicked off a few destinations with a bag full of memories.
4. Helps you live a memorable life.
Setting a path towards your travel goals and attaining them will help you live a meaningful and memorable life which doesn’t mean that you did everything you wanted to do but even achieving a small short-term goal will give you a sense of satisfaction and happiness. That feeling alone is your reward for your achievement. The memories that we carry along accomplishing at least some destinations on our bucket list is something totally worth it. Filling our lives with memories and wonderful experiences and learning about life experiences and growing along the way is the best part about travelling.
5. Tells the story of an adventure.
ravel bucket list is like a book of wonderful experiences and adventures that we have attained and memories we have to cherish. Always list down the things you know nothing about. They come roaring in like the wind and give you great memories.
A bucket list is like an amazing way to plan for your travel dreams and allows a bit of magic to make everything happen as time evolves.