You can take bus from this location. If you want to go to kasol,manali. Or if you want to go to flight there is no direct flight you have to go to bhuntar airport from there you have to take taxi to kasol and Manali.
We had seen the pics on one of our friends Facebook page the beauty of Manali and near by place there it hits our mind and the felling came in our mind "mountains are calling". Then we planned our trip to Manali it was a 3 days plan. At night we caught our bus from majnu ka till in Delhi. It took 12 hours to reach Manali but in between there is a station bhuntar where you can change your destination to kasol and kullu we firstly went to kasol. From bhuntar we took a taxi if you are in a group then taxi is better for you. In the morning time we reached kasol.
Where many of the visitors were foreigner. Firstly we booked a room there in very less amount like ₹1200 for 4 person. We took rest for 2 hours in our room then we came out for finding the good place in kasol. You can take taxi from taxi stand. And if you have a good fitness you can find and feel the nature by foot. The nearest place to visit from kasol is Manikaran. The gurudwara where you can find the shower or pool of hot water in winters. The holy place where you can take langar also if you want to save money for your trip. And the prasad was very tasty.

Kasol is a place where you can change your destination to many treak. Like kheerganga tosh and manikaran it is the musical and nature place where you feel the peace.
The water of the kasol is crystal cler. You can see the needle also in the water. It so so transparent. And blue like the cleanest swimming pool. And the water is so cold that it will freeze you in a sec. You can't take bath if you have not a big heart or strong will power. You can see in my photos the view of manikaran and way we covered by foot there. We went on a trek also near by village and we came from. There at night.
Next day we reached to Manali. As we entered in the Manali the snowfall start at once the wheather changed this was the first time i have seen the snowfall. It was both shocking and amazing felling for me. We came out from our taxi and started to collect the ice and through on one another. It was one of the best moment of my life the felling was different I had seen the another face of nature. The way was full of ice you can't move with your normal clothes there then firsty we searched room there then we took breakfast and some rest then we took clothes and shoes on rent and we went to enjoy the beauty of Manali.

where you can enjoy full. We had made new friends. Who were from Thailand. They were very good in there nature there was so much cold at the top of the Manali hill. Where we had some fire to have some relax to our body in winter and snowfall. We took so much enjoy there. And the cost of udaan khotala is ₹700 each it would take to the top place of the Manali. Where you can see all the Manali view. And we had made new friends there. And the trip was unforgettable. If you are planning trip for Manali February is the best month to visit if you want to enjoy the snowfall first have look on google the wheather report then plan the trip.