Our journey started in a bolero. A team of 6 men, who were unaware of any tourist places, but just love to enjoy life :)
We started our journey at 8.pm, from Kodungallur, my home town. At begining we were thinking how to proceed with the plan, when we came to know our dear fellow bolero got a eye pain. And his one eye is not working well. Lights were not so deep, but we adjusted to keep the plan move on. We just knew that we are going to Hogenakkal, the shooting place of Naran malayalam movie. It was little rainy night. After a lot of talks n fun we slept, some how my buddy kept driving and I loved the morning view when I woke up in the morning. Slight breeze went through our window. Sun smiled at us through beautiful moutains at road side. After watching the board signs I came to know that we are at Salem. We got our breakfast "masala dosa" and tea from a small hotel at Salem. Roads were extremly calm even sometimes lorries are passing through by. After the breakfast we got back travelling. It is always quite funny when with friends. I realise that even men do gossiping at some time and lot of selfy were clicked. We kept a eye on road signs and google map. Road signs alarmed us that we are reaching hogenakkal soon. We travelled through a road, which highlighted lots of trees n flowerbuds. We didnt forget to fill our bolero hungry stomach. At the petrol pump we came to know that we cant head to hogenakkal in our vehicle, precede we should get into buses, which are scheduled their trips on road. Copps were on road to stop the private vehicles. We compromised and get into a bus. We are worried hearing that because of the dramastic climate there will be limitations. Bus was navigating through moutains, all the mountains had nature carved shape. It all look like water take away their stones and shaped them different way. But for a travellor, it was quite fun. And finally road signs were shown that we are destination end points. We got down at the last stop. It all look like a place familiar to which old south indian cinema markets. Small small shops, hotels, grocery, flower shops, bakeries were there. I heard sound of people bargaining with stall holders. We walked through and get into the real Hogenakkal.
But we were dramastically bought down hearing that we cant experience the real Hogenakkal. Climate challenged us. We saw water flooding through their path, in extreme violent mode. Still we are able to see all those mysteries around us. As in Ooty there are lot of monkeys, travellors gift them pop corns. Couple of monkeys as well as humans were in lovely mood, as they are with their betterhalfs.
Some managed to get into the native round boats.
We walked, snapped photos, ate pop corns had fun together.
Time seemed to be noon, we planned to get back. We are limited to the show. We didnt had opportunity to explore there. But we enjoyed. Walking back to bus stop, we saw hotels which sell fried fresh fish from the Hogenakkal water. We planned to have lunch from there. We got into a shop, and I do recommend a fish fry to Hogenakkal travellors, its not about the taste. But we will have a real time fun experience. You will just love it.
After having Tamil Nadu meals we bought some fruits and managed to get seated in bus. There is no worry of confusion whether bus goto our places. There is only one route. After speaking the native Tamil language conductor agreed us to get down at the petrol pump where we left our car. Our minds were in black out realizing our trip is going to end. Bus dropped us at petrol pump, we all get into the car, and we talked to petrol station boy about navigating the nearest cool place. He told us that we can easily go to Mysore from Hogenakkal. And he is just busy with his work, so we left him. U turned our car and stoped near a small shop, remembering that cars meter cable should be losen if we are heading towards Mysore, else the car rent will go high. Two of our men engaged in losening up the cable and others took care of our money and mobiles same time they spoke up with the locals to know the routes. It is always good to beware of strangers. We got little afraid when we saw two village children came to our car and always straying their eyes at our money and mobile, but we are not so polite and always took care of our properties.
We losen the meter cable. At the time we heard that there is forest way to Mysore from the place we stand. We got thrilled, but the locals warned us that there are no shops, fuel pumps and neither any human fellow to ask the way. He also added that inorder to travel that way, we should offer some money to the gate gaurd of that road. We planned ourself to make an offer to gate gaurd. It was so cheap. We just gave him 150 Rs. and the gate was opened before us. The road was clear and long, we thanked the strangers as well as gate gaurd. For all of us, it was a dream come true moment. Since we never entered into a preserved forest area like that. Car was moving towards the forest, but it all look like a empty village. A small scooter came from opposite direction, our mind started telling that the stranger was playing with our time and money. But suddenly we saw a tree fallen across the road. We got down there, checked the surroundings. Our eyes got bulged when we came to know that there is no further road after the fallen tree. We saw rock n soil paved way. We hope that it will the road used by the local villagers. We took a reverse and moved along that way. Anxiety was seen in every eyes. Actually we are doubtful whether we reach Mysore. All the mobiles drained the battery charge, hopeless google map is in it. Anyway we all still had fun. Our driving expert buddy took care of our journey. We stopped at beautiful areas and clicked photos, enjoyed ourself. But to all who reading this and planing to go through that road. I do recommend a SUV, bolero, jeep vehicles..I think other vehicles cant go through that jungle. The way we travel just look like a dry pond. Stones and rocks, all seemed to be very dry and curved by heavy water flow. After a long journey through forest, I should say that we didnt find any harmful animal or any human. But we saw many trees, rocks, flowers. We saw a road starting from our way. All came to know that we are reaching Mysore soon. And finally we saw "Welcome to Karnataka" board as well as a checkpost. The gate gaurd questioned us, where we are coming from, do you have alcohol with you..as questions got longer we offered him money. Again another 150. Now gate was opened for us. Gate gaurd smiled at us and greeted us in Tamil. Now it's around 4 pm. We kept travelling, without asking any routes. Because there were no other major roads. We saw villagers moving with their pet animals(mainly goat), but road is getting little confusing. When we saw a man walking along the road(looked very native to the place), we stopped our vehicle and asked route to him. But unfortunately he couldnt help us. He knows only his native language. No Tamil or Malayalam or Hindi. Anyway there were no worries, we are hopefull to find a way. We took all the turns which we believed that it could take us to Mysore. Now we are moving through a village. We asked many people about route. Nobody heard of even Mysore, they know only their native language. We all know the value of our native place when we go out. In Kerala, even locals will be understanding universal language English, even though they cant speak well. We saw high school girl, well dressed beside road. We stopped vehicle since we thought she will know English and she can help us. But she judt told "No English". Education system of India should change alot. We flew our hands and told a bye to her.
Journey continued, no questions and no answers. We just travelled. We laugh a lot. We had fun. We are happy now. Our trip is on full power.
We reached a road which ressembles to a village market road. We saw shops in each side. It's about 5 pm. We saw a well dressed person and asked him the way. He was able to understood what we say. He knows english pretty well. And navigated us the route to Mysore. We thanked him and move along the route he said. Now the roads got bigger n wider. We knew that we are reaching Mysore soon. We planned to have something to eat. We have restrictions in eating and enjoying. Money is the problem, each member of the team had 3500 as his contibutions towards the trip. Every penny of it should be saved and neccessaries should be meet. So we need to restrict on our food and stay.
We saw a dhabba at road side. It look so cheap. So we didnt hold up to get in. We all got in. We looked through menu. But the rate marked near to the dish resembled to a 3 star restaurent. We ourself agreed to have a unrestricted food for the first time in Mysore. We ate. Went for pee. Drank and bought enough water. Journey continued.
Now it is around 8pm. We saw big big buildings and heavy traffic. Signs indicated we are in Mysore. We went for search of a room at cheaper price. After getting in research of cheaper hotels. We got one. We took two rooms, we buy some beers. We watched TV and some drank beer. All were laughing, naughty talks, enjoying ourself and find ourselves comfortable. We went for night walk at Mysore..It's always special to walk simply without any motive in a city. Mysore is so beautiful. But I think it's little bit of naughty city. People went behind asking whether we need place to stay, a person to guide us, or a girl to stay with. But we decided not to go behind women and money. So we avoided them. We went back and tiredness made us sleep fast.

We all got up at early morning. Got fresh and made ourselves ready to explore the city. Went to average looking restuarent of the city for the breakfast. It was fine in taste, but the amount for that taste is very high.
After after breakfast we all went for visiting mysore zoo. We should buy a ticket to get in. It is around or more than 100 acres. Vehicle is available for those who are not interested in walking. But I do recommend walking.(Dont hesitate to buy water at 20 Rs. We will get back 10Rs when we give back the plastic bottles at the end). Monkeys, Chimbanzies, African elephant, the most dangerous white tigers etc etc. Lot to see and watch. And we can buy some memories for our dearest ones from Mysore zoo shop. I find the cheapest thing at 25Rs. Most of them are of high price. We just walked around and absorbed many. After a great walk and getting back to the gate made us some hours. From there we got in and went to Mysore Palace, I recommend this place. Because it is good to learn some histories n visit some historic places. It helps to learn how people lead their life centuries back. I wondered seeing a lift in the palace. It was made centuries before and bought from European country. Everything is safely cared. After seeing and clicking some photos, we got out of Mysore Palace. There are many shops outside to attract tourists. Those who can bargain it is good to shop from there. But bargaining is must. I found some handcrafts, started bargaining at 500 and bought it for 75Rs. It was war winning feeling, the true is that we can get the same at 25Rs. from the small hand craft shops at temple festival in Kerala, but at the moment I didnt made a choice. I got it. I won.
We were tired and made ourselves got something to fill up the stomach.
After that we took rest at a park. I dont know the exact name but its in the town itself.
And we were in discussion of getting back home, budget is getting down.
We got in to return home, we choosed the way back trip through Gundelpet Wayanad road.
After along journey we saw border is getting by..farming lands were seen at both sides of the road.
Gundelpet is famous for farming. Mostly they grow vegitables and flowers. We saw people possing in middle of flower cultivating lands. We also decided to take some clicks. We stopped our vehicle for taking photos. It is sunflower farm. A lot of sunflowers. A boy was there. We think he is incharge of the land. We took is permission and went for possing. He helped us to click some memories out there. After taking as much as needed, without harming a plant we left from there.
It was a great refreshment. We never thought we will be stopping at near spots. Soon after we started from sunflower spot, we saw people selling watermellon at road side. We stopped at one and decided to eat one piece per person. We asked the cost for one piece. It was 10. We told it is very high. Then he told it is not for single piece, the cost for single watermellon. Eyes got bulged. In Kerala it is 15Rs per Kg. We just asked how much it cost if we buy a whole sack. Just 100Rs!! A sack will contain upto 30 watermellons. We decided to eat a watermellon and buy a sack to home. It was really tasty.
(To be continued)
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