What they say about Mumbai in 'Wake up Sid' (a popular Bollywood movie), holds true for Vegas as well- what can i say about this city which hasn't been said before!With casinos and night clubs functioning (actively) round the clock; numerous restaurants and cafes with an ambience to die for offering cuisines from all over the world (it's the land of celebrity chefs run restaurants and cafes ); unlimited options for the adventure freaks (high roller; zip lining), five diamond hotels offering an ultra luxurious stay; replicas of the best and the most visited attractions from across the world (Eiffel tower, statue of liberty, the Big Ben), Vegas is truly like a dreamworld. Been labelled as the sin city, the city of wedding chapels, the party capital of the world; Vegas looks the way you’d imagine heaven must look at night
Coming back to where I started from , what different can I say about this city ! Being a keen observer and always wying to identify that distinct quality about a place which makes it different from any other place, I felt that against popular perception, Vegas as a city has something on offer for everyone. One needn't be a hardcore gambling fan or a party freak to have fun in Vegas.The adventure lovers and foodies of the world can also find plenty options to explore ones' interests. Make a wish and visit Vegas to make it come true (In case one is wishing to get married in Vegas, the city has a number of wedding chapels as well- so think before you make a wish:P)
We started from New York in an early morning flight to Vegas. As soon as we reached La-guardia airport, the agenda for the next 3-4 hours was set. Eat a heavy breakfast, grab that seat on the flight and sleep your way to glory (NYC was hectic and sleeping was number 1 on priority as Vegas was expected to be even more hectic). An eggitarian breakfast at McDonald' with hash and corn and pancakes helped us set the pace of the day (i have never loved McDonald this much). As soon as we boarded the fight, all those dreams of sharing space with a handsome firangi were sacrificed in favor of a sound sleep.
We landed in Vegas at around 11 am and boarded a cab to our hotel for the day- the Linq. The Linq boasts of having the highest roller coaster in the world (which we chose not to ride, thanks to the exorbitantly high rates); but staying in the hotel was an experience in itself. As soon as we touched the Vegas strip, the quiet and dry landscape of the desert was overtaken by the vibrance of casinos, crowd and music.
After waiting in a LONG queue for check-in (people check in during all hours of the day and night and on all days), we manged to get a room with a view of the pool and the high roller. Best thing about Vegas was- whatever you do, no body bothers! You stand in a queue and check in, but the check out is online and absolutely hassle free. you drink, you gamble , you dance, you sleep, you do whatever. nobody cares and nobody interferes. This independence is addictive.
First thing we did as soon as we reached our room was hogging on the ready to eats (which were carried all the way from India). Lunch was followed by -'We are in Vegas, lets get ready regime'- 4 girls, one room, the temptation to be at their best (one can imagine the mess; check the photographs to see a proof).
After the hair and the makeup and the matching lip colors and the nail paints and few (not so few actually!) selfies here and there, we were all set to explore the sin city.As we were in the party hub, priority one for the afternoon was to find a happening place for the night. And well, such are the occasions when travelling in an all girls group is an advantage. We got free passes to 4 of the most sought after party places- including 'The Bank' which is a premier five diamond night club and is widely frequented by celebrities from all over. So, with that sorted, we were all set to explore the city.
First stop for the evening was the 'Bellagio' conservatory and botanical garden (Bellagio is a famous casino and hotel and has featured in multiple blockbusters like 'Ocean's Eleven'), but we went there only to see the conservatory :P). The architecture of every hotel and casino in Vegas is theme based. Bellagio is inspired by a lake town in Bellagio, Italy. The 8 acre lake connecting the hotel to the strip gives the place that lake town feel and is popular for musical water fountains which run at designated time periods
With live music and fountains and a never seen before crop of pretty flowers all around, the observatory looked heavenly. This is what I meant when I said that Vegas is much more than just being a gampling and partying place. Who would think of preserving nature at such a place. But the Mirage group (Bellagio's parent group), thought out of the box- which again is a common phenomenon in Vegas. After exploring the observatory, we stepped out to catch a glimpse of the fountains. The musically synchronized movement with a setting sun in the background makes it look DREAMLIKE (and this is the only word i have to describe those multiple experiences the city has to offer).
By then, the fact that we were actually in Vegas had started seeping in. Back to being our normal selves, we realized that like normal human beings we also need to eat (we have been surviving only on ready to eat and snack bars after the early morning breakfast). With plenty options around to explore, it was another confusion to choose a place to eat our first meal in Vegas. Internet came to our rescue and we unanimously decided to explore one of the multiple fine dine restaurants at 'The Venetian'. Venetian is another five diamond luxury hotel and casino and is popular for its king size luxurious suites. Venetian's architecture is inspired by Venice, Italy and houses the replica of popular landmarks in Venice. Of those, the 'Rialto Bridge' over a lake offering gondola rides transports one to Venice. Such prettiness and the girls couldn't help clicking another round of photographs forgetting the real objective of coming to Venetian- FOOD. Only after everyone was individually satisfied with the quality of their pics (supposedly cover pic) with the lake and gondola in the background, we were set thinking on which one restaurant to choose from the 38 restaurants housed in Venetian. Aware of our constraints in terms of food (an all vegetarian gang); we decided to eat at the 'Grand Lux Cafe' which promises to offer global cuisines. As soon as we were done with food, 'Creme Brulee' was chosen as the dessert for the evening and.it.was-finger licking good.
By the time we were done with food and stepped out, the night lights were on and the city of sin was transformed to city of lights (at least from the outset). With fountains in one corner, giant wheel in another, Venetian with its gondola ride in the center and the replicas of statue of liberty, Eiffel tower, Vegas brings it all in an area of 6 kms. Mesmerized by the lights and the beauty and the crowd and the happy faces, we wanted to just sit and soak in the magnanimity of the city, but an early morning flight and a hectic time in New York had left us fatigued. So the gang decided to head back to the hotel, rest for a while and then gear up for the party which we were much excited about. After much fun and frolic, by the time we approached our beds for the planned nap, it was already 9.00 pm. Alarms set for 10.00 pm and a decision to leave by 11.00 (as the free entry was valid only for early birds). Sadly, the urge to party was taken over by the urge to sleep and alarms felt to deaf ears. When we finally got up at 1.00 am, we decided against partying and slept off to catch off an early morning bus to the grand canyon.
Grand Canyon was my first ever visit to a world wonder (well I have been to Agra but have seen the Taj only from a distance). Excitement was all over, when we started the day with an early morning walk to board our bus. This was the first road trip of the vacation and that added to the excitement. We were offered a complimentary breakfast of croissants and coffee and off we started. Its a 5-6 hours drive from Vegas to the Grand Canyon. Trip to the Grand Canyon is quoted as one of the great American road trips. It takes one through Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada past red rocks, blue skies and the wide spread desert. We crossed the Colorado river and the hoover dam (and managed to click some postcard shots of sky high dam and the beauty surrounding it). We took the historic route 66 which added to the fun. Words fail me when it comes to describing the beauty of driving on route 66. It was one of the best road trips I had been to. Desert and no habitation for kms altogether, this route takes one miles away from civilization.It was a relaxed ride with our bus driver cum tour operator narrating the history of the route and the popular tourist spots we crossed on our way.
First stop of the trip was Kingman. Kignman is at the heart of route 66 and is a popular spot for hikers. We could only get a 15 minute window to appreciate the beauty of the landscape (and that is the only problem with guided tours with a fixed schedule). After a short walk on the scenic roads, we were back on the road. It was a windy day and we were absolutely loving the ride.
We stopped at Williams for a buffet lunch on our way and managed to catch a glimpse of the world famous grand canyon coach. After a fairly smooth ride, we reached the Grand Canyon national park. A detailed set of instructions from our bus driver cum tour guide on the number of hours we had to roam around the park and the assembly point etc, and there we were, on our own, roaming around this huge world wonder. The girls were joined by a solo traveler from Canada, who volunteered to be our official photographer for the day and vice versa :)
Well, coming back to the grand canyon, the immensity of this two billion old wonder leaves one smitten. A two and half hour walk around the park was spent reading about the rocks instrumental in the current state of the GC, formed over a period of 2 billion years. We were quite amazed to see 100 million years old rocks named after Indian gods (Brahma, Rama Vishnu). Vishnu rocks form the basement of the canyon. Clicking pictures, singing old Bollywood numbers, the trek inside the park was an absolute delight. The trek was followed by a stop over at the grand entrance of the grand canyon (well, everyone needed photographs around the sign as a proof of their visit :P), we started our back journey to Vegas. Rain, sun, multiple hues of sunrise and sunset, we saw it all in a day. We caught a glimpse of the beautifully lit up hoover dam on our way back
By the time we reached back, it was already 10 pm, but the resolve to party (especially after the goof up last night) grew even stronger. After an hour of quick showering, dressing up and with high heels on, we were all set to explore the much talked about nightlife of Vegas. And all i can say is, it deserves the attention it gets. On our walk back to the hotel , we got an invitation to 'Marquee nightclub' at the cosmopolitan, and that was our party place for the night. Whatever we had heard about night life in Vegas, and seen in the movies, all of it was live in front of us. We explored the crowded inside area for a while and chose to spend some time in the open bar dancing with people from across the world. We were quite surprised to meet a lot of them who had come to attend business conferences, and few others who were in the city for weeks and months and didn't want to go back. Well, we didn't have that luxury with us but coming back to what I said - the city has something to offer to everybody, we got to see that happening.
After the day long sojourn and the partying, it was time to call it a night. So we decided to walk back to our hotel. At 2.30 am, the city looked even more vibrant. Vegas gives you that feeling to stay awake 24*7 and just live life. Given our body clocks, we just couldn't afford to do that. Well, after exchanging pleasantries with visitors from across the world on our way back, we retired to our respective dream world. Quite a day it was!
For me, the next morning started with a walk around the city as I haven't had a chance to explore the pace of the city during morning hours (and i love doing that). So, while others were still in their dream world, I ventured out all by myself. It looked like a normal city with people jogging on the strip and grabbing their favorite cup of coffee. Just that there were many others who were walking in and out of the casinos. Some sad because of losing, while few others happy because of their lady luck. After spending around two hours observing the pace of the city, i came back to the hotel. We were to shift to the Flemingo for the night (one of the oldest properties in Vegas, it promises to offer that classic Vegas feel). After a quick breakfast of snack bars, we were all packed and ready to check out.
Another hour in the check-in queue at the Flemingo (there is no such time during the day when the check-in counter is NOT brimming with people), there we were, in our room for the night. It was our last day in Vegas and we had to utilize it to the maximum possible. So the girls got ready and the first agenda on the list was FOOD. We chose a European style outdoor fine-dine and ate at leisure. It was a sunny day and walking in the sun didn't look very tempting. We had to take a city tour, so we got bus passes for ourselves and decided to try our hands at playing casino while waiting for the sun to set to start the tour.
The casino part didn't last for too long, given our limited risk appetite and the resolve to 'not lose'. So we ended up winning 1.5 dollars :P (well that's better than losing any). After exploring multiple shopping outlets inside the hotel we were done with our sovenier shopping. Donning our' I love Vegas' tee-shirts , we set out to see the much talked about 'Welcome to Las Vegas' sign. It was a good 2 km walk from the strip. As soon as the strip ends, one gets to see the real landscape of the city. This dry land houses a huge Harley-Davidson showroom and a number of wedding chapels (some of these have featured prominently in Bollywood and Hollywood blockbusters including the much talked about 'What happens in Vegas'). After grabbing some snacks at subway, we boarded a bus to the other part of the city- downtown Las Vegas!! Sitting on the front seat on the 1st floor of a double Decker bus, observing the pace of the city in the fading twilight was a good way to spend the evening. I never wanted that bus ride to end. With tired feet (because of all the walking), a view to die for and an awesome company, this pace of life seemed too good to look for an alternate.
By the time we reached downtown, the city lights had started creating that magical ambience. With a dancing DJ under the world's largest screen (and an option to do zip lining under the screen), downtown seemed like a perfect place to spend the night at. Downtown seemed more laid back as compared to the strip (which is generally very crowded) and we were happy to have ample space for dancing to the tunes of the awesome music. the girls chose to try the world famous Slotzilla zip-lining, i decided to stick around the stage and enjoy the live performance while the crowd went crazy.
Once the girls were back, we danced our heart out till the time we could manage to. On the expense of overusing the word FUN, i will still say that it was one of those few nights when I danced without any inhibition, right there in front of the stage with the crowd cheering, hooting and joining us. that experience shall never be forgotten. while the night was still young (it never gets old in that part of the world), our tired feet were begging us to stop. After a quick round of the area, we decided to board the next bus to the strip. And there we were back, craving for a dessert at 2 .00 am (well it wasn't a tough deal to find one in Vegas)All satisfied, we retired back to our room with a heavy heart as this was our last night in Vegas and we were not done with the city yet.
Nevertheless, the day ended with a promise to take us to another city with another set of experiences.
Musical fountains set in the 8 acre man-made lake which connects Bellagio to the strip are a treat to eyes. The show takes place every 30 minutes in the afternoons and early evenings, and every 15 minutes from 8 pm to midnight. Evenings are the best time to watch the same with the multi hued twilight in the backdrop. Bellagio conservatory and botanical gardens should be visited for its vibrance. The conservatory follows five seasonal themes and the summer display (the time when we were around), is known for beautiful flowers from all over the world For art lovers visiting Vegas, Bellagio gallery of fine arts is a must visit.

With a casino like ambiance, the place offers decent options for vegetarians to choose from. The pasta and potato starters was yum, their ' creme brulee' made our evening!!

Reminds one of Venice, Italy. It's an ultra luxury resort with 38 restaurants. The gondola ride can be tried if one wants to get that Venice experience. The steakhouse by the lake side is a treat for all steak lovers out there. 10/10 on ambience

Located at some 290 miles from Vegas, the immense Grand Canyon is the most famous natural attraction in United States. The fact that it has been created naturally over a period of billions of years leaves one stunned and in a state of wonder about the magnanimity of this natural wonder. Spending a night here exploring the GC is an ideal deal. Trekking, camping, cycling in the villages nearby can be explored by the adventure lovers

Kingman is the Heart of Historic Route 66 & is popular for scenic hiking, historic charm, great cafes and restaurants. A coffee stop over for us on our way to grand canyon, people prefer staying here over night and beyond to explore the multiple faects of the city

One road trip which shall leave you mesmerized for life. Its a dream route for all those road trip fanatics out there. Drive in absolute silence to inhale the absolute beauty of this route

A stop over for the popular lunch buffets, with multiple options for night stays for those driving to the Canyon. Houses the grand canyon railway and the vintage grand canyon wagon

The high walls and the night lights make this dam a tourist spot. One of the largest man made dam built to cater to the water requirements of entire Arizona state, Hoover offers multiple trekking and camping avenues to those looking forward to spending a day here

Crazy crowd, an awesome DJ and the ambience makes this place absolutely electrifying. One can choose to live the true Vegas dream in the crowded inside area of the club, or sit and relax in the open area

One among the oldest hotels on the strip, Flemingo promises to offer the classic Vegas experience. It has an in-house wildlife Habitat and a 15-acre Caribbean-style water playground (which we couldn't explore as there was so much to do in such less time )

Get some crazy pictures clicked and feel the fabulousness of the fabulous VEGAS

Zip lines attached to the ceiling (SlotZilla at Fremont Street Experience is a 12-story, slot machine-inspired zip line attraction), music videos playing on the ceiling, street performers, three stages with Live band and dancing DJ's, cheap food and drinks, plenty crowd to watch and in some cases laugh at, what more could one ask for! Compared to the Strip, which often has the jag and the vibrance, Fremont Street is more of the laid back version! Stay at the strip if dancing away to the tunes is your thing, but come down to downtown if live performances appeal to you more.

Our abode for two nights, the LINQ houses the world famous high roller. This 550-foot-tall Ferris wheel with observation cabins offers city views & holds up to 40 people. We got a good deal as we got a room with both the pool and high roller view. Sunrise is the best time to take the roller trip and see the vast expanse of the desert from up there.