For the Saha Family, the year plan can be simplified as "work, work, summer at Murud, repeat." It's a family custom to visit Murud Janjira every summer break. End of final exams, last paper, last few words, the last full stop, the bell rings. Academic year ends! And all I can think about is Murud!
Murud is situated in the Raigad District of Maharashtra,India. Murud is also commonly known as Murud Janjira. The word Janjira is not native to India. It is originated from the Arabic word Jazeera , which means an island. Murud is known for its beach and Fort. The Murud beach unlike any other beach is clean. Yes! You read it right! A clean beach. The great thing about Murud is that it is not known to many people. As it is still a relatively unexplored beach, it is cleaner as compared to the other beaches you will find in Maharashtra.
We usually book a car and drive to Murud but one can also take a ferry and then take a local bus till Murud. The best time to visit Murud is summer or the rainy season. Nothing beats playing in the water for hours in summer. There are many religious temples to visit in the near by area.
If you are a food lover then welcome to heaven. Fresh caught fish cooked in traditional Konkan style will leave you wanting for more and more. The fusion of hot spices and coconut is the something you will only find in Konkan.
Murud is the best place to relax, have fun and a calm weekend or a summer break with friends or family. Keep Calm and GO TO MURUD.