The past one year has been crazy for us, having a packed schedule as we traveled to 10 different locations, since our marriage on 12 th March' 18. The list includes two countries - Mauritius and Indonesia, seven Indian States and one Union Territory. We aim 200 trips together in 20 years of our marriage. People have been asking how and why did we plan for #target200tripstogether. So, here we go.
How did we get the idea of #target200tripstogether?
Well, we were still dating and had seen people going on and off in relationships. Few reasons to quote were trust, lack of spark, change in heart and mind with time.
We wanted to keep our love and trust alive, to see each other growing and to love each other at every stage of our lives, as we were planning to get married.
Those days, we used to read a lot about new and unique foods, restaurants and places in and around Mumbai and wanted to have new experiences. We had blocked our every weekend for this. Trust us, we not only experienced new cuisines, places and restaurants but also got to know and understand each other. Not only the lovey-dovey sides but also our insecurities, downfalls and inner most fears of each other.
Our married friends used to suggest us to have as much fun as possible before getting married as things get boring afterwards. And that's when the biggest question of the century started to eat us, 'WHAT IF'.
What if our life gets boring post marriage?
What if we change with time?
What if the love is lost in our daily routine?
And the list went on.
That's when Roshan suggested, why not to have a dream for life. A dream which will not only keep us moving but also will keep the life alive within us - Let's travel. Let's travel for the rest of our life. Ruchi was so excited; perhaps she wanted to pack her bags ready for all the future travels, then and there. We were crazy to think and discuss of 500 trips at one point in time. We know 200 trips are still tough, but then for us, it's a dream. We don't know if we will be able to do it but we are enjoying the journey.
We are so glad that we could make it for the first year. We have not only completed 10 trips for the year but have also grown in many ways.
What inspires us to travel?
Yes, you read it right.
Our followers, friends and family, who have not only enjoyed our clicks and stories but have also appreciated and inspired us to travel more.
There have been phases when we contemplated if we should actually be travelling as much as we are. We were always in planning mode for the next trip even before completing the one in hand and as we write this blog, the next two trips are already planned. The challenge for us has been that, as we end up landing to some new corner of the world on every weekend and holiday, we have not got much time to spend time with our friends and families.
But, over the past year, we also realized that we have started inspiring many of our friends and family members to travel and we thought this is just so amazing, as Indians still don't travel as much compared to non-Indians.
We feel travel not just fills you with experiences of new places but also fills your soul. It teaches you patience, acceptance, determination and to become solution oriented. It gives you power to handle life.
We thought if we could inspire some of our friends, we can definitely inspire other fellow Indians to travel more, to learn more and to live more. Truly, our goal of #target200tripstogether originated a new dream to #InspireIndiansToTravel.
There is a lot to pen down, a lot to share, a lot to convey. As we go ahead, we will write about how we feel about travel and about our experiences as we keep travelling. You may also follow us on our Instagram page to witness our journey.
This is our first blog and we would love to have your feedback.