7 things that will surprise you about the Colosseum


Visiting the ancient ruins of the famous Colosseum is one of the best things to do in Italy. It is an incredible architecture full of fascinating history. Visiting the ancient ruins of the famous Colosseum is one of the best things to do in Italy. It is an incredible architecture full of fascinating hstory.

Photo of 7 things that will surprise you about the Colosseum 1/1 by Souchal Turerao

The Colosseum was built shockingly very fast. The Colosseum was made for entertaining the Roman people. It is the largest amphitheater with a measurement of 189 meters long, 156,000 meters wide and 50 meters tall. The theater has the capacity of holding 60,000 spectators and has 8- entrances. Despite this, it was built in only nine years with stone and concrete.

It was not always called the Colosseum. The original name of Colosseum was Flavian amphitheater. It was commissioned by the first emperor of the Flavian dynasty named Vaspasian and his son Titius. It was later named Colosseum because it is located near the statue of Colossus in Nero’s Park. Interesting thing is that coliseum is a general term of any entertainment amphitheatre but it is spelled slightly differently in Rome.

Gladiators who used to take part in bloody battles were not exactly volunteers. They were often slaves or prisoners who were given the opportunity to become gladiators. They were trained in military school to become a gladiator and fought animals and people to the death.

About 10,000 animals and 500,000 animals died in the bloody games at the Colosseum. In Fact animals were near extinction because of their high demand in the Colosseum. Gladiators were mainly fought animals.

There are many movies made on the Colosseum. The original colosseum is never used for the shooting of any movie. Although Ridley Scott was given permission for the shooting, it was too small and difficult to shoot for a movie production. A replica of the Colosseum was built at Fort Ricasoli in Malta for the shooting.

The oval building included incredible details such as drinking fountains, washrooms and an awning to pull over seating when the daytime sun was too strong. When it rained they stretched tarp-like material across the top.

Colosseum is the iconic symbol of Rome which attracts millions of tourists every year. This famous monument includes drinking fountainsFeature Articles, washrooms and an awning which is pulled over the seating area when the sun is too strong.