If you are always intrigued by the fact that you have to keep postponing your travel plans because you do not have enough money, then think once again. Today the world is full of opportunities and as they say, if the 'will' is strong - the ways will come to you. Here are 9 ways that can get you into almost FREE travel, if you stick to a plan and schedule that is....
1. Holiday IQ:
If you have been sharing your reviews on social networks, and did not know about how to monetize it, think again.Holiday IQ helps you to monetize your reviews by adding your valuable travel reviews to their website. How? Simply sign up with a Frequent Flyer Program from Air-India or Jet-Airways and for every review you share, you can redeem FF Miles into your account by indicating your Membership number and you can accumulate FF Miles for free travel.
2. Blog Monetizers - Shorte.st
Are you writing and writing and wondering when it will ever pay off. Think of all those efforts you put in to monetize your blog and have to work harder for it. If you come to know that you will get paid simply because they came to your blog, then will you not be trying it out. One such program is the Shorte.st.
Shorte allows you to shorten links while you embed it into your blog posts. If you have a self-hosted blog, it can work even better. Embed the code into your header page and everytime your blog shows up on the search engine, any reader who clicks on your blog post will enter and come out after monetizing it. It means even if someone does not buy from your affiliate links, you are paid for seeing your blog. If you have a high traffic website, you can monetize your blog every month.
3. Think Global - Go local
If you are a local travel expert, do not be left behind, because no one can do it better than the most versatile traveler - You. Triip.me the local trip creator expert can help you to not only travel more, but also help others by making you the local trip expert. Just take your trip and list it here and help other travelers who are willing to travel in your local travel spots. Once your trip gets approved and listed, you can help global groups to take a trip in your city. Not only does it help to monetize you in a respectable way, it can also help global travelers to explore new places they have never heard of before.
4. Travel Blog Success
A global network of travelers and travel bloggers, TBS can help you get along with your travel blogger journey with their valuable course. If you are a serious blogger and want to create a living out of travel, then the forum can help you to find what you have been looking for.
It connects you directly and contains resources from some of the top global travel bloggers - Nomadic Matt, Wandering Earl, Go-Backpacking, Breathedreamgo, FoXnoMad to name a few. Learn how to make a serious travel blog step-by-step and develop a personal brand for yourself on-the-go. If you need more details about the course you can shoot a mail to info@trawellblogging.com and I will come back to you with more. Read about the courses here.
5. Up-work
Now that you have chosen to be a FREELANCER, you can try to set more pace by signing up for something even more serious - FREELANCE digital professional. You can choose to write for professional companies with Upwork. Previously Odesk, upwork is FREE to sign up and can help you to monetize your content in a serious way and connect you with some really professional companies.
6. Hubpages
Hubpages forum is a quality content site that allows you to publish high-quality work that you have personally experienced, observed or created during your journey. It is a great way to create a recognition online. A self-sustained content platform, it enables you to connect all your quality referral accounts such as - Amazon, Ebay, Adsense all at one place. It also comes with an earnings tab, which shows how much you have monetized fro your high quality content.
It provides a scoring system called the Hubscore, which improves your online reputation everytime you publish a quality and rich content online. Publish more quality articles and you will be attributed more with for your work, and make money too.
7. AirBnB
While most of us know about AirBnB, by now, we also know that it allows us to share a travel credit with your friends. This is a great resource multiplier if you can use this tool effectively, as not many are aware of it as yet. While you might choose to share the idea with your friends who are already aware about it, consider those who are not yet, and try sharing the idea.They might initially not know the worth of it, but if you share how to's of it and answer their questions, they definitely will.
8. Virtual Private Networks
Not many of you might be aware of this part and it might need some work, but once you get the hang of it, you will realize the potential of using the Virtual Private Networks. It allows you to virtually access global servers and expand your search for various online resources. For as low as $5 a month, it can open up a plethora of opportunities that you are not even aware of.
Find more stories, travel tips and information on - Pack-Ur-Bags
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Time of Release: April 2016
Approximate Pages: 300
In past 3 years, I have developed and come across online resources that can address the most intriguing question for every traveler - 'How to support your travel for long term'. Hence the idea of The Guide to Ethical Travel Hacking. Here, I have tried to put together several ethical travel hack solutions which can help you to support yourself and help you achieve your long-term travel dream. If you think that it is not possible to take get yourself prepared for that long-standing trip you were willing to take, then it is time to get answers to your questions -Why Not? You can support me in this compilation by adding something more to it. Here's how you can support and help me complete this book for you..
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