It didn't happen to me until it happened in me.

26th Jul 2016
Photo of It didn't happen to me until it happened in me. 1/5 by Archana

We all have one life to live and how rational is it to make the safest bet, make the most average of all decisions and trying to live your life abiding by the rules instead of only doing what you want to. You will not know your identity until you go searching for one.

So I have developed this urge and passion for travel. I have many people asking me 'why do you like to travel' or 'which part of travel enthralls you'; If only words could define the whole lot of layers travel adds to the experience. It's a journey that touches you deeply on a personal level. Through my travels- I've learned, I've unlearned, I've experienced, I've absorbed, I've indulged and now I am sharing them.

Photo of It didn't happen to me until it happened in me. 2/5 by Archana

Life is a long series of choices, success and failures. Everyone is trying to lead their own version of reality in this maze called life. Travelling opens your mind, broadens your horizons. It teaches you how important it is to learn, to laugh, to live and to do it as much as you can because as you grow older, life will eventually make you cynical and you will lack that blissful ignorance.

As daunting as it sounds, but to unlearn something and having acceptance are the two most difficult things that humans can't do.

Get out of the illusion of comfort you live in. Do something that invigorates you each morning. Claw your fingernails into your dreams. Have a penchant to gravitate towards success. Because how often do we get this beautiful life. Whatever time it is now; 26th July 2016 12.20AM will not come back for me ever again. Will it for you?

Time is all we have but then again sometimes we have to wait for the right time. Such a paradox! isn't it?

Photo of It didn't happen to me until it happened in me. 3/5 by Archana

Find the adventure inherent within. Figuring it out is another expression for the pursuit of happiness. So travel. Travel to have fun. But, also travel to explore the unknown and keep an eye open to understanding life from different perspectives. Travel to meet people from different walks of life. Go to the places on the periphery and gain enlightenment. Try to be compassionate and develop an appreciation. I believe experiences and emotions are the two things one should invest in.

And then you will know that happiness is right there. Gazing at a sky blanket full of stars, watching the sun go down as a red ball of flame and the darkness embracing the world. Watching the break of a dawn is something wondrous. May be it's the silence, the emptiness of the streets. At dawn, nothing seems certain, yet everything seems possible.

Photo of It didn't happen to me until it happened in me. 4/5 by Archana

When you come back home everything is the same but there is something within you that has changed. You would have made a self - discovery and had a personal growth with altered perspectives. Horizons within you have expanded. Peace and bliss resonate.

It happened to me.

Photo of It didn't happen to me until it happened in me. 5/5 by Archana