Volcano Erupts, Creates New Lava Deltas Flowing into the Sea!

Photo of Volcano Erupts, Creates New Lava Deltas Flowing into the Sea! by Kuntala Banerjee

Volcanoes erupting and causing a change in the weather is a known phenomenon. Typically the lava cools down fast preventing any further damage to the adjacent surroundings. But surprisingly the volcano Cumbre Vieja at La Palma island had a different story to tell. Two months after its eruption, it is still sending in lava flows into the sea.

Photo of Volcano Erupts, Creates New Lava Deltas Flowing into the Sea! by Kuntala Banerjee

When did the volcanic eruption occur?

The volcano Cumbre Vieja first erupted in 19th September, 2021. In early October, the molten rock had reached the sea and created a lava delta of 100 acres in size. There was a fear that the reaction between the superheated lava and seawater could result in super powerful explosions. The explosions may unleash toxic gas clouds which is harmful for the residents staying nearby. However the council of La Palma island has stated that the seismic activity around the eruption site have already started decreasing. The emissions of toxic sulphur dioxide have also reduced substantially. The air quality is also good throughout the island.

Photo of Volcano Erupts, Creates New Lava Deltas Flowing into the Sea! by Kuntala Banerjee

What are the recent happenings around the volcano?

Recent reports say, the volcano is continuing to send lava flows towards the sea. Two more lava streams have reached the sea and have created two more deltas. These are recent happenings from last week. One delta has been created on 10th Nov at Playa Los Guirres and another on 15th Nov at Playa el Charcon.

An aerial surveillance video uploaded by the Geology and Mining Institute of Spain has shown huge rocks rolling down a cliff and streams of molten rock sliding into the sea. This has resulted in emergence of cone of debris from the waterline.

Photo of Volcano Erupts, Creates New Lava Deltas Flowing into the Sea! by Kuntala Banerjee

How severe were the effects of the volcano?

About 2500 acres of land in La Palma island has been covered by the volcano. The authorities had evacuated the residents in the surrounding neighbourhood. The houses have been completely covered by ash. The tourism and the agricultural sectors of the island have been seriously hampered.

Last week, a 70 year old man lost his life while he was trying to clean the ash from the roof of his house. The roof collapsed beneath him, unable to bear the weight of the ash. The man had earlier received permission to return back to his house with the help of a volunteer cleanup crew.

Photo of Volcano Erupts, Creates New Lava Deltas Flowing into the Sea! by Kuntala Banerjee

Latest news from the Government authorities

Spanish government scientists have stated that the it seems the volcano is reaching the end of eruption. The volcano is appearing to be losing the steam. The reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions and seismic activity are proofs for waning activity of the volcano.

Salvamento Maritimo, the Spanish lifesaving agency, has set up a maritime exclusion zone. This zone around the new lava delta streams, will help in protecting the residents from the hazardous emissions.

Government authorities have said that the recent happenings will not restrict residents from staying indoors.

An emergency services spokesperson told Reuters, "New confinements are not necessary because the populations are far away from the point of contact with the sea that occurred last night". The spokesperson was referring to the new lava delta streams that have evolved recently. There are not much people living in the affected areas as they are mostly covered by banana plantations.

Hopefully the eruptions of the volcano will end soon and the residents of La Palma island will be able to start living a peaceful life, free of the harmful emissions and disruptions.

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