First trip of 2020. And the only one for quite sometime.
We left around 7am from bangalore.
After 3 hrs of travel and covering only 126kms , we reached the Kaveri river bank.
We took a quick break there and clicked few pics.
This is a good place to have a family picnic.

After spending some time, we went to the main falls area. There is a ticket counter selling coracle ride tickets. Once you take ticket, need to follow queue and wait for your turn to get a coracle.
Coracle ride is very nice and takes you through amazing views, falls, island etc.
There were many floating coracle selling fruits, coconut water, chips, cold drink etc.
Coracle person asked for some extra money to take us through more of falls and for longer time. We paid extra money and he took us to many other view points. Also on request they take coracle below the falls. This was a great experience with drizzles falling on you while you are moving in circles.
Interestingly there was a cameraman on a coracle with complete setup for an instant pic. We got a pic clicked from him.
While returning we had a break at a sand island with a hill in the background. We took many pictures there and had fried fish.
We had a thrilling ride and some amazing views of falls.

After the coracle ride, we went to the bathing area where they have made a shower like arrangement with the actual flowing river water. Water comes with an alarmingly fast flow and is very cold. But bathing under that flow is an experience. And after some time you don't feel like getting out.
After this we went to the main area and had fish thali. Food was very nice and fresh fish from river was very yummy.
After an adventurous day trip we started around 5 pm and reached Bangalore by 8pm.