Hello everyone, this is my first Camping experience I'm sharing with you.
Talking about camping in India comes a lot of questions in mind, like for example, where should we camp? Is it safe to camp here? Is it legal to camp here? Yes, I too had the same questions striking my mind. I googled about this and found nothing relevant. So I thought to go for it and see what happens.
I decided to camp at Mahandi River Banks near Naraj Barrage, Cuttack at my hometown. I have a kayak and I loaded it on my car, packed the camping essentials and my tent, raw meat for dinner. Reached near the place I decided to camp, talked to the villegers about if that place is safe from humans and wild animals and after they said its all safe to stay there. I was happy, I got down my kayak and loaded all my stuff on it and left. The place I was camping was a kind of island, it was a Jungle which had Sand patch all around it and was surrounded with water. By the time I was heading towards the campsite I could see the cattles crossing the river and returning back to the mainlad after grazing on the feilds of the island.
After reaching the spot, I first setup my camp and went to the jungle collected some wood for my dinner and a small bonfire. By then the sun was about to set. I went on my kayak to get a good view of the sunset. It was so much relaxing in the middle of no where. I was all alone spending some quality time with myself. As it went dark I returned to my campsite, lighted up the wood and setup the barbecue and enjoyed my food with a drink looking at the sky full of stars, it was a full moon night, moon light was shining on the river bed. It was a silent night, totally noiseless. The feeling was different I just cannot express it in words.
Woke up with beautiful sunrise view from the tent and the birds taking of from the river murming all together watching them flying in formations, it was something different. You dont get to experience this everyday. Then I got ready, fired the wood again made some maggie for breakfast and went for a swim in the river and it was time to leave. Packed everything up on my kayak and paddled back to where I parked my car. While returning I could see the tiny fishes leap out of water besides me and accompanied my till my destination.
So, thats how my solo kayaking and camping experience was. I would like to add something for your knowledge too. If you all want to go camping then you can search for people organising and you can go there, or, if you're responsible enough then you can go on your own.
Dont Leave Behind Your Trash When Leaving. Take it along with you and dump it in a dustbin.
Thank you.