As all good things, my trip was coming to an end and I had to leave Delhi right before Holi. I was really sad leaving India, despite my excitement about my new life back in the UK, where I decided to go back to uni to back up my new practical experiences with some theory.
Little did I know that in a year after my departure, I would again be in the Jawaharlal Nehru University’s library (JNU campus is my favorite place in Delhi) researching secularism in India and writing this piece for Tripoto a website run by awesome guys who host me in Delhi.
Last week I celebrated Holi, but under the ecstasy of seeing my Indian friends again, I had bhang too many and reached a dimension of non-existence. I blame it on the bhang from Haridwar with cloves and spices. It was way too tasty. After a nap on a lawn next to a water pump tower that looks like a frozen spaceship, I came back to reality.
P.S. When I left India and finally got back to the UK, I was detained at the customs. Apparently someone with the same date of birth and the same name as me tried to access the United Kingdom, but did not have such a good immigration history as I have.