Unlike Pompeii, Herculaneum is a little less crowded and offers less difficult access to its attractions. You can reach it by train from Sorrento. However, due to global health issues, Herculaneum may be closed for the time being. Regardless, this trip is worth a day or two of your time. Once you've visited Herculaneum, you'll be eager to see more of the town.
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If you're a history buff, you should watch Pompeii: The Last Day on PBS. It's an hour-long drama that portrays the eruption and its aftermath. Another good show to watch is "Secrets of the Dead: Herculaneum Uncovered" on PBS. A good documentary to watch is "Out of the Ashes: Recovering the Lost Library of Herculaneum" by A. Pesce.

Like Pompeii, Herculaneum was also damaged by an earthquake 20 years prior to its destruction. The city had to be rebuilt in case of an earthquake, and proactive measures were implemented to prevent future disasters. But the people of Herculaneum didn't associate earthquakes with the eruption of Vesuvius, and they didn't want to move because of the rich soil at the base of the mountain.

Besides Mount Vesuvius, Herculaneum is another interesting archaeological site. This city was founded by Greek hero Heracles. During the early Roman Empire, there were around 20,000 people living there. In addition to the ruins of Herculaneum, Pompeii was a major trading center. Its grand baths and villas were popular with the rich. In the 4th century BC, Herculaneum came under the Samnites. In 89 BC, it became a municipium of Rome. After the defeat of the Salian army by Titus Didius, Herculaneum remained a small town.

Herculaneum is an important archaeological site. The ruins of Pompeii are still standing, but the buildings in Herculaneum are better preserved than those of Pompeii. Herculaneum was a more affluent town than Pompeii. Its mosaics and frescoes are larger and more colorful, while the ruins of Herculaneum were built on top of a much higher plateau.

There are many tour options for a day in Herculaneum. Depending on your itinerary, you can visit the site from Naples. Most of these tours depart from the city centre. If you don't have time to spend the entire day, there are several other options available. In addition to the Villa of the Papyri, there are many other interesting sites in the area.