It's my second trip to Gokarna, i liked this place a lot the last time as well and wanted to stay for few more days. Going by that i should feel more excited about the prospect of being here instead i am more calm than excited.
The best thing about being here is just be here and do nothing.

Right now sitting in balcony just outside our room watching ocean to its full glory. The sound, the breeze (i am not a sand guy) everything makes sense, far from the daily hassles of life where nothing makes any sense whatsoever.Waves hitting you one after another making you feel light and you tend to forget the daily struggle of survival. Even screams and shouts of your fellow beach bathers make you happy and put a smile on everybody's face. You feel more alive, not sure what imbibes that feeling into you whether it's crushing sound of waves against your body or surviving yet another wave to face one more or the waiting for a bigger wave to take that head on and survive and make ocean feel that i am better than you, giant fellow.
Beach booze and beauty is here but still guys are missing the babes reason better known to them, coz last time i checked, with girls you can't exactly enjoy the sea the way you do like a lone wolf (aw aw aw aw aw wooooooo.... howling).
The Booze
A few beers down already and there is term 'happy high' which drunk people use to define their threshold for drinks. Often this term is abused for covering up their stupidity, vague and violent behaviour after a few many drinks. They have perfect opportunity to just get wet and enjoy few more bottles. Streak continues and boys enjoy the water like buffaloes enjoy the mud. When the strength goes away to face more waves warriors decide to retreat beach huts..
People now go to their rooms being happy high and fell like a log on bed and sleep like a pig.
The Dilemma
Everybody is down like a slain warrior waiting for their pyre. I can't wake them up, it'll be like waking up zombies. In Evening high tide waves feel like they are hunting for all those who dared them in first half of the day. But in our defence for not going out, we don't fight after dusk. Being tired from day activities we call it a day all are busy playing that sound of nose at high notes which sound like synchronised band.
The Ocean
If you have heard the sound of ocean then there is a distinct feel to that, and it's the breaking sound which gives voice to the ocean. It'll teach you compassion for everyone around you.
Here we find one strange thing this sea in morning waves are up and coming and after evening sea is like way back from the shore, having dementia due to the excessive drinking in and around the water affected the memory and judgement if night and day. It's a drunken sea.
"Eat, drink, sleep, take a dump"
Now here drink like a pirate, sleep like a pig and eat and dump like an elephant.
Now guys came back after having b'fast and now preparing to go again for lunch by sleeping.
Eat, drink, sleep it's a holy cycle which shouldn't be broken here of course with an exception to respond to nature calls, it's a bad omen if you break that cycle and you'll be alone for rest of your stay.
Ocean and pirates are like mud and pig. After a few drinks like my fellow brave hearts and they'll not be able to differentiate between mud or water as both are cool and the cool thing to hangout in.
But these piggy gems make your stay worth the while if you can tolerate some of drunken antics of theirs. You won't miss a personalised clown just to do anything to make you laugh.
Invented one word 'fawsome', short for fucking awesome without actually saying the ‘f’ word and exactly the same feeling.
The songs which should be in your playlist should be of the 90's chichore songs.
Rest you can include your own choices if you are sophisticated enough for these.

The Ocean
If you have heard the sound of ocean then there is a distinct feel to that, and it's the breaking sound which gives voice to the ocean. It'll teach you compassion for everyone around you.
Here we find one strange thing this sea in morning waves are up and coming and after evening sea is like way back from the shore, having dementia due to the excessive drinking in and around the water affected the memory and judgement if night and day. It's a drunken sea.
"Eat, drink, sleep, take a dump"
Now here drink like a pirate, sleep like a pig and eat and dump like an elephant.
Now guys came back after having b'fast and now preparing to go again for lunch by sleeping.
Eat, drink, sleep it's a holy cycle which shouldn't be broken here of course with an exception to respond to nature calls, it's a bad omen if you break that cycle and you'll be alone for rest of your stay.
Ocean and pirates are like mud and pig. After a few drinks like my fellow brave hearts and they'll not be able to differentiate between mud or water as both are cool and the cool thing to hangout in.
But these piggy gems make your stay worth the while if you can tolerate some of drunken antics of theirs. You won't miss a personalised clown just to do anything to make you laugh.
Invented one word 'fawsome', short for fucking awesome without actually saying the ‘f’ word and exactly the same feeling.
The songs which should be in your playlist should be of the 90's chichore songs.
Rest you can include your own choices if you are sophisticated enough for these.