Day 1
We are ready to leave from delhi.. Time: 11:30 pm

Day 2
We reached at Panarsa (Mandi)
The sky is covered with Clouds the most exciting feeling in the world..

We reached at Parashar Lake and now the time has come to complete the 9km trek (Covered with fully snow) we started our trek at 4pm and completed it at 11:30pm. It was the most dangerous trek I have ever did, due to heavy snow (4ft. snow). But finally we did it and we were the first group in the History of Prashar Lake trek who completed this trek in night...
Day 3
Time to again get back to trekking.
Now we have to get back to Panarsa and again we have to do the trekking of 9km.
We started our trek at 11am and completed it by 2pm.