I was crazy about Holi in Mathura and Vrindavan so I decided to escape to mathura in last minute and I'm glad I made that decision. Although please follow Covid Norms, it is still roaming out there to get in touch with you so please make a safe distance wherever you go.
First thing first How to reach Mathura?
Well if you are in Delhi I would recommend to get taxi if you have heavy pocket or if you or your friend have a car include him in the plan as I did, or if Covid flies aways use train although you will find craziest crowd in railway station but it's just 3 hrs journey.
Now where to start?
So if you are staying in mathura then first go to Dwarkadish Temple and you will find craziness on those narrow street paths, like your visibility will come to your feet, so make sure you get a cheap sunglasses as monkey always waiting to get from you to trade it for food and even sometimes they don't take care about trade so get a cheap sunglasses.

Now once you covered in colors of love and affection from the crowd it's time to move to Virnadavan Bake bihari Temple, I got goosebumps while mentioning this Temple, it's just feel soo good to be a part of crowd who feels like family once start saying Radhe radhe to everyone, once again beware of monkeys as I lost my sunglasses here and someone threw color on my eyes(accidentally) but don't worry that's wasn't their intention to harm you it's just they are so excited to play holi with bihari ji.

As the pictures telling you the rest story,It feels like someone put a red filter on your eyes, every wall, every person,even every road is red, as someone just erase the word ' you and me' it's just 'we' in here. And there is 100% chances that you will loose your slipper, so be ready to walk barefooted. It's not like someone else took it, but it's hard to find yours in thousands Slippers, when every slipper is red coloured.
It's just one day trip as I don't have time to stay for longer but if you got time you will surely enjoying more than anything or anywhere else's Holi.
In Evening every shops start opening so don't worry about food and snacks, but I would recommend to go to Janmbhumi temple in the evening and get blessings of Krishna for prosperous and healthy life. Dwarkadhis Temple get closed at 7Pm in evening do make sure you go first to Dwarkadish and then other temples.

Radhe Radhe and take care Travelers.
Mach's Gut!!