Be S.M.A.R.T
Here are the some important qualities a wanderer should should posses or try to imbibe.
Sensitive to Nature:
Why do we even travel?. To escape from this monotonous and dull lifestyle, be a part of nature, enjoying to its best. For every smart traveller, it is his responsibility to be sensitive towards mother nature. After all, if we are not able to, where would you go next time, to dump yard?. What I am urging is, every tourist has to keep plastics and other pollutants footprint as low as possible. Let us handover forests and water bodies clean to the next generation.
Mature and accept situations:
As we travel more, we will become more mature towards the situations we face when we travel and will start accepting them. Imagine you are on a trip and you got stuck in a place for 10 minutes because of some blockade. How will you act to this? Start shouting at them or spend time enjoying with family? Accept situations, be smart and travel safely.
Assist fellow travellers:
Have you ever travelled to a place without taking anyone's guidance, enquiring or taking help from locals, information from the internet or other networking sites, travel communities? If your answer is yes, you may be that one in a million achiever and you are a lucky charm. Technology is bridging the gaps between the travellers and local experts and guides providing a reliable source of information to one who is willing to explore. As a smart and responsible traveller, it is your ethical duty to share your experience while relying on information from fellow travellers for a safe and comfortable trip.
Respect the locals and their culture:
Imagine a stranger coming to your house and comment on the food you eat, bed you sleep or worse, on the traditions your family follows. Does it feel good? I bet it won't. Similarly, when we travel to a place which is home to some other people, we should be openminded. Even you are paying them a good chunk of money, try not to insult them. Be a smart traveller and accept people, their cultures and traditions.
Take most out of trip:
Be it be a skill, be it be an art or even a language. A smart traveller not just travels but learns from the surroundings, learns from nature, locals, their traditions and cultures. Try connecting with locals, develop networking. Let nature rejuvenate your soul and replenish your creativity. One can find real-life scenarios in which nature-inspired artists, poets, writers got their motivation and for some even spiritual upliftment.
Act S.M.A.R.T
Save money:
How would you react if someone offers you a complete sponsored trip? Amazed!. Exited!. But in reality, you won't have to. You need your money to travel. So, stop dreaming and start saving, take out a bit from your earnings and save them for your dream trip. A smart traveller plans a pocket-friendly trip. For me, it is to travel more than to travel lavishly.
Miniature Backpacking:
A smart traveller's one of ability is being able to imagine the possible scenario and carry most required things. You don't need a jacket when you travel to the desert, you may not need two pair of clothes for just a couple of days. Who would love to carry heavy loads on a trip? Only if you really miss those leg days of yours.
Accept risks:
In every work we do, there is some inherent risk associated with it so, does with travelling. The risk is to our plans, to our economy, literally to anything we think of. When things go off the track, a smart traveller should be able to think clearly and take necessary action. Moreover, he includes risk beforehand to avoid any panic during those situations.
Research more:
Take your time, do your homework, plan your complete itinerary. Prioritise your wishlist based on your interests and tastes, make a detailed schedule. Even when you are going on a flash trip, do minimum research like timings of places to visit, transport facilities, backup plans etc.
Travel, Rest and Repeat:
The most critical point is here, Rest. After a long journey, try giving time to feel home again. But, don't give much time for strings to tie you up with routine life. The ultimate secret for a real traveller is keeping your backpacks ready and dive in for next adventure before you become too lazy to move.
Travel, travel and keep travelling safe.