‘Travel’- by only listening to this word we all feel so much energized and adventurous. By only thinking about travel there are thousands of thoughts running in our mind- where we will be going, how to go, stay etc. And as the holiday soon is almost on the corner, so it is obvious that many people might be or might already have planned where they are heading to. Before going on the vacation there are several things to do and packing stuff which is quite obvious. But most of the times we forget to pack the small but yet the most important items back at our homes. In the excitement of the travelling we pack the things that are not required or the clothes that are not comfortable. In this blog, I will write down about some of the things to watch out for while going on a vacation so that you can enjoy and relax there without any bother.
Comfortable jeans- Wearing tight fitting jeans during travelling can invite a lot of problems, it makes difficult for you to sit steady for a long period of time and moreover it also hinders in the flow of blood in your legs. Leather pants should also be avoided, they might look good but would create a issue in long run. Also try to avoid ripped jeans if you are going for a trek in the forest or similar areas. Try to wear loose or comfortable jeans during travelling.
High heels- During travelling it is natural that at some point you may need to walk at a quick pace or even run. Heels make it difficult to walk or run on uneven grounds. So try to wear the flat shoes or sandals, floaters etc. Wear comfortable sports shoes if you are going on uneven surfaces. If you are going to place where you need to wear and remove shoes again and again try wearing sneakers without lace.
Plain White- I absolutely love plain white cloths and I love to take white cloths during travel. But this always cost me so much to make them white again after travelling. They get dirt so quickly even by touching them. So I would suggest to not to take plain white clothes along with you when going for a travel, but if you still want to wear white you can opt for printed white clothes. That’s my substitute for the travel purposes.
Big bags- Don’t carry your big trolley bags with you. They will only become burden to carry around especially if you are travelling solo. Try to carry Travel Backpacks and cross-body bags. They also have a good space for the necessary items and also are easy and comfortable to carry through the journey.
Strong perfumes/Deodorants- Some people love to use strong perfumes everyday but rust me they only smell good on occasions. Don’t apply strong perfumes during the travelling because it might create a problem for your fellow passengers. Moreover some people are allergic to the strong smell of perfumes. Go with a regular one. We should take care of ourselves and also our fellow travelers, or at least they shouldn’t be bothered by us,
Contact lens- Avoid wearing contact lenses on the journeys. Wearing spectacles are much more easy and comfortable during long travelling period. You might also find it difficult to wear lenses outdoor at the time of howling wind or sand storm etc.
Heavy jewelry-Big earrings, Heavy necklace etc. are some things you should never be wearing on a vacation or travelling. This might create issue for yourself, it might be difficult to keep them in a safe place or you will always have to look for it. They always a possibility of getting robbed. Try avoiding this things for a peaceful and relaxing vacation.