Start from Bangalore early morning at 6. Meet the RTC group near Kanakapura nice road junction.
Drive to the village where the property Wild Flower valley. Settle down and then get ready for lunch. Post lunch hour the adjoining waterfall. Returned back and then chatted and socialized with the new friends. Learnt new lifestyles and instagrammer way of living.
Enjoy tea.
Late evening the camp fire warmed up the group with good discussions on various topics.
Post that we had our dinner and headed to our tents to sleep.
The sleep in the middle of tiger reserve is a thrill but surely won't give sound sleep. But it is an experience.

Wake up and learn that you were not alone to not sleep well and smile.
Have coffee and breakfast, and take morning snaps.
Head to some of the Tibetan monasteries. After the sight seeing drive back to Bangalore