Lepakshi Temple:- It is in Anantpur District of Andhra pradesh , india .
1:-How to reach . Total distance of lepakshi from Banglore is 122.9 km , which will take you around 2.30 minutes to reach (via NH44) . So it is really easy to drive there . There is no direct bus services available I think . Roads are scenic too .
2:- why to visit ... To take a read a chapter of history this temple was built during the Vijayanagara Kings' period (1336–1646). ,
Shrines of temple is dedicated to , Shiva , vishnu , and Veerbhadra .
But story of this temple is much older , it is said in Ramayana “ when Ravana Ravana had chopped off the wings of Jatayu and Lord Rama found the bird fallen right here in this village. That's why it's called Lepakshi..
Here you can see the giant statue of Veerbhadra , and you can still see and experience of hanging Pillars of Lepakshi . Snd near to temple campus you can find A big monolithic statue of Nandi .
Temple is amazing. , it feels like a whole different world from ancient times . Architecture of this temple is just amazing i was stunned by the beauty of this place. And a very peaceful place away from the city ,.
Important things:- Pack some food items for journey. , you can find some restaurants on the way we also stoped for our breakfast at Swagath Delicacy restaurant in Chikballapur you can find some more eateries if you move ahed, but as i remember there was no restaurant or food stalls near the temple .
Try to reach here early mornings (6am-6pm timing ), if wanna avoid the crowd .
Happy travelling

This trip was Peaceful and a very different experience ,