You'll Soon Be Able to Take a Helicopter Tour in Goa!

29th Aug 2019

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Photo of You'll Soon Be Able to Take a Helicopter Tour in Goa! by Sonal Agarwal

In addition to the gazillion reasons we have to travel to India's most happening beach destination, the Goa Tourism Board recently came up with another. Now, you can not only explore Goa on scooters and cruises but also on choppers. Very soon you will be able to add helicopter rides on your list of things to do in Goa.

As reported by local news agencies, the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) has decided to renovate the state-owned helipad for helicopter tours. These tours will provide us with a bird's eye view of our beloved vacation destination.

The helipad will be constructed on an area of 20,920 square metres. Further, GTDC has commissioned 3.03 crores to a private company to take care of the construction. The renovation, which includes creating vacuumed de-watered flooring (VDF), approach road, illumination and compound wall, is said to be completed by May 2020.

The helipad is located in the Ela region of Old Goa, near to the city of Panaji. Thus, making it accessible to the popular tourist spots of Goa. The promotion of helicopter tours will be done under the scheme of Swadesh Darshan Scheme of the Union Ministry of Tourism.

The tourism department has also been keen on exploring other adventure activities that can be introduced in the state to bring momentum in the adventure tourism industry of Goa.

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Here is a list of places in India where you can hop on a helicopter and explore!