1. Strong antibodies and improves immune system:
You travel to different places, different environments as a result they develop stronger antibodies also develop stronger immune system. Research shows that exposure to small dirt and little illness keeps your body stronger. Travelling to different places, your body adapts different new bacteria’s, which in turn makes it much stronger.
2. Stress less life:
No signs of stress level. It is scientifically proven that travel reduces your stress and makes your happier. And this lasts for weeks. Means travelling automatically makes your happy and erases your stress.
3. Travelling makes you mentally healthy:
You go to new places, meet new people, and get used to new situations. That is actually good for your health and keeps your mind sharp and fresh. Studies shows that travel helps to grow you personally that makes you emotionally stable, as a result your mental health improves.
4. Travelling is good for heart patients:
Decrease risk of heart disease. You travel different places as a result stress lowers or you can say that a break from the stress. Studies show that travellers develop less heart disease.
5. Physically fit:
When you travel you want to try new things want to see everything. You do extreme sports, walk down to unknown streets, you hike & camp. This all keeps your muscles tough and make them to work more.
6. Healing properties:
There are lots of places which have healing properties. Natural hot water springs which is full of minerals, fresh air which makes you feel new to you. Many sacred places, known to relieve your stress and more connected to nature and destiny.
7. Travellers live longer:
Travelling increases life expectancy. Having formula to heal mind and to keeping your body healthy inside out. These all increases the chances of living a healthy and long life
So travel more, stay happy & healthy.