Here are some of the ways to stay positive and motivated during these difficult times. I am neither a doctor nor a counselor, I am just an ordinary human being like you. I am sharing my experience, and hoping this helps you too.
Should You Cancel Your Vacation
Right now, traveling presents a risk, so "Stay Safe and Don't Travel". If you have already booked flights and hotels for your next vacation, please cancel with immediate effect.
An important consideration we all must have is the well-being of our fellow passengers, our and their family members, and anyone who you and they may come in contact with thereby increasing the probability of spreading the unknown. Even if you don’t fit the profile of someone who is at risk of developing severe symptoms, you might infect someone who is. Just imagine, you as a carrier of the virus, and I will leave the rest to your imagination.
Relive the small moments
In the normal course of our busy life, we forget to appreciate the small joys of our life. Before the virus hit us, imagine the number of times you must have wished for those extra moments with your family and while we wouldn't have wanted our wish to be granted in this way, but this is also a time to reflect and appreciate what we have. Try to live in the moment, and appreciate small things that make us happy.
Remember your loved ones and strengthen your connections
It is imperative to feel low, during this time of lockdown, but spending time with your loved ones and speaking to friends and family members over phone and video calls, provides you a great way to connect and spend quality time. I have realized that even though I regularly spoke to my retired parents but now I know so much more about their regular life, their joys and sorrows. You may want to make a mental note of how rich your conversation during these times are and your friends you may have connected with after a long time. Trust me, the joy one gets when we speak to them is ecstatic.
Last day in office before Work From Home- how I miss you guys. But video conferencing helps.
Pursue your hobby
In this rat race, we don’t get time to pursue our hobbies. This is the best opportunity to take out time and do what you like the best. However, a word of caution - find hobbies which require you to be home and where you don't need to venture out. We will have those times too but this is the time to stay home.
I spend my time doing what I like the best, photography (testing my lenses), reading travel books and magazines, writing travel stories and cooking (oh yes, I love cooking).
Please share with me and write in the comment - what is keeping you busy.
Read Travel Stories:
Travel Advisory has restricted your travel plans but that does not deter you from reading travel books, magazines or join a travel group/community wherein you can share your travel experiences and photos. If you are interested you can join this travel community or like a travel page:
Contribute to the Society
Don't Travel and Stay Safe! But you can surely contribute.
Let us do our bit during CoronaVirus Pandemic, but with great precaution.
The COVID-19 pandemic will require the best of human effort to overcome. Your donation to this fund will support immediate and long-term relief and recovery in vulnerable communities during one of the most challenging times we are facing.
NGO Sarvahitey has made an assessment of what is required for the families living in the slum of Wazirabad, Sector 52A, Gurgaon during this difficult time. Fundraiser for the same will be live soon. The actual need for essential supplies is after 10-14 days. We will of course be taking all necessary precautions. Stay tuned.
Nomad Lawyer has teamed up with NGO, Sarvahitey in this drive.
Our successful drives this year-
January- Blanket Donation Drive - around 300 pieces.
February - Meal Donation - 300 packets.
Support local business. Maybe you’re heeding the social distancing advice and aren’t eager to sit in a crowded restaurant or meet people but you can definitely help and support them. In our little ways, we can help them support their families.
Buy gift cards or credit for later from your favorite restaurants, stores, hair salons, spas.
If you have steady income, continue to pay your cleaning people, maids, car cleaner etc. They need us and we need them.
Keep paying your memberships and subscriptions, even if they’ve been temporarily suspended.
If you are a writer, social media influencer, media expert write about local business and community, and share it online.
Just give a donation to NGOs and voluntary organisations. Cash is always appreciated.
Don't believe in WhatsApp University
There is a lot of fake news and rumours doing rounds in this difficult time, please don't fall prey to such news. It is bound to make you negative, if you pay much heed to them.
Work From Home
The Coronavirus outbreak has caused almost all firms to deploy the work from home (WFH) practice for employees. Oh yes! WFH is fun, talking to colleagues over phone or video conferencing, developing strategies to meet client requirements. The best part, you don't have to be in formal attire all the time, you can be comfortable in whatever you wear and relax and it won't affect your productivity and there is none to judge you for whatever you wear. But WFH is challenging and requires self discipline. Organizations world wide have made an effort to ensure their employees are safe and now it’s our turn to pay back by ensuring the business is not affected and we contribute and help each other during this difficult time. As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going, and together, we are stronger than we think.
As every dark cloud has a silver lining, humanity should sail through this and the world will be a beautiful place to live in. Till then, let nature also heal.