Pune is full of adventure and the rains only add to the thrill.
Looking for adventure sports in the mesmerizing rains, we stumbled upon XTHRILL.
Set against the stunning backdrop; the rugged terrain of the sahyadris and a soaring uninterrupted horizon, Xthrill Adventure Academy is located within the sprawling green expanse of the hill city of Lavasa. Located just before the main Lavasa City, it is heaven for adventure lovers.
The trip that was initially planned to include only 5 friends ended with a gang of 10 to 15 people. Like the saying goes, the more the merrier.
With one car and 4 bikes we started towards the destination. 30 minutes into our travel to the destination, the heavens opened up and it started pouring.. The monsoon has arrived in pune just a week back but it filled the place with hundreds of small waterfalls. And yes, our main aim was to do waterfall rappelling!!:-)
It was a beautiful drive up the hills. The fresh bottle green color grass was making the place simply amazing. It was a treat for the eyes.We couldn’t stop ourselves from getting out of the car and indulging in some tea, pakodas and corn and yes, clicking pics to capture this experience..:-P
With thousands of waterfalls and hundreds of streams demanding our attention, it seemed like Xthrill had to wait a while for our arrival.We got out of the car at the slightest excuse just to get drenched in the rain and feel the raindrops.We stopped by a stream which seemed to be exerting some magnetic pull on us. Unable to resist the pull all of took a plunge and enjoyed the currents of the clear stream.
A daredevil girl riding her scooty and sometimes bumping into the curves that the roads offered , shutting the car door on other peoples hand was a bit of a hiccup..:-P( NO one was injured by god's grace) but the adrenaline rush that the place and the journey was giving was just over the top.
We finally reached the destination late but it was worth the delay :-D
On arriving, we were introduced to the trainers who would be guiding us through our first adventure.
Looking at the waterfall and the fact that we will be going down that, stirred quiet some frenzy in people.
One-by-one we went down the waterfall feeling the rush. By the time we finished that it started pouring like crazy. There was no point changing into a new set of clothes. We directly went to play the others sports; zip lining and burma bridge.
With heavy rain, shivering bodies and just a rope under our legs, burma bridge was hell of a task.After that came the ATV. Despite the shivering due to the cold and rains all seemed to go well, until a girl from our group decided to go right through it and take a plunge into the 500ft ditch. She luckily has the presence of mind to jump off the ATV before any serious damage took place. As funny as this may sound, we all skipped a heartbeat then.
Recovering from the shock she just gave us, (not her fault, it was the slippery sand) people realized that they were hungry. So, there was our “darr adventure and crazy wali maggi”..:-D
Once done, we realized it was getting dark so changed into a pair of dry clothes and headed back to Pune.
With tired bodies everyone was fast asleep in the car.
This was one of the most amazing and thrilling travel and adventure experience we had. Apart from the experience, we bonded as people and hopefully we take this for the rest of our lives….
You can find info about XTHRILL at http://xthrill.in/ (Free publicity I guess :-P)
Till the next adventure...