Let's see how many of these Icelandic waterfalls you know ? 



Photo of Let's see how many of these Icelandic waterfalls you know ? by Devansh Dhar

Iceland has some mighty waterfalls to offer. A few have been uploaded here for everyone who is interested in exploring.

Dettifoss - This is a might waterfall and on a cloudy day, its best captured in monochrome. I was there in the month of April, which is a shoulder month and needless to say the skies were grey that day, albeit a hell lot windy. And voila ! You have the magical shot like this.

Photo of Dettifoss, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Gullfoss - This spectacular beauty is located a few hours drive from Reykjavik and is a beauty on the days when the skies are clear. But as luck would have it, I had to brave this waterfall with winds carrying ice flakes blowing at my face at 100 kmph. Oh man, what a terrible experience ! Had my sunglasses not been in place, I would have suffered permanent eye damage.

Photo of Gullfoss Falls, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Dynjandi - This waterfall is located whilst travelling from the Westfjords towards Reykjavik. The waterfall has a peculiar shape in the form of a triangle. The picture does not do justice to its size, since its mighty huge when viewed upfront.

Photo of Dynjandi, Reykjavík, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Kirkjufell - Probably the most photographed place in Iceland after Seljalandsfoss, this place is a paradise for photographers. 3 small waterfalls with the backdrop of a pyramid shaped mountain forms the perfect backdrop for long exposure shots.

Photo of Kirkjufellsfoss, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Skogafoss - This is the big daddy of all waterfalls because its fucking humongous !!! If u look carefully, you can see the human beings in the picture being nearly 1% the size of the waterfall. There are steps for access to the top and if one takes them, they are surprised to find the river so calm at the top only to have a perfect vertical drop !

Photo of Skógafoss, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Godafoss - A spectacle to steal every show on earth. This one is a beauty but photographing it is a challenge if there is precipitation in the atmosphere. One should exercise extreme control when approaching towards the falls since the rocks are very slippery.

Photo of Goðafoss Waterfall, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Barnafoss - The most unique feature of this waterfall is how the water comes in from the within of the surface and not on the surface. A very colourful spectacle of shrubs, milky white water and aqua hues. A must visit !

Photo of Barnafoss, Iceland by Devansh Dhar

Hraunfossar - Located just adjacent to Barnafoss, this is actually how it looks ... as if the milk has been given the freedom to flow in the form of a river. Scenic beauty at it's zenith !

Photo of Hraunfossar, Iceland by Devansh Dhar