Curvy Roads that leads to Queen of Hills - #splendorjourney

9th Nov 2017
Photo of Curvy Roads that leads to Queen of Hills - #splendorjourney by Trip Jodi
Day 1

Ooty is a place where kids go for an excursion, this was the thought I had before coming to Coimbatore four years back. For Coimbatorians Ooty is a place where they go for a morning ride just to have a sip of Tea. Even I did the same when I became a Coimbatorian. I have been to Ooty more than a dozen.

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”

― Anita Desai

I think it’s right about me. Queen of hills became a part of my regular life. When I get tired of being normal, the only thing I do is Ride to the Top. When discussing a trip at Coimbatore, it usually ends up in Ooty. Each time I climb up, I get something new. This time also I found something new which will remain for a lifetime.

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