Walking through the streets of Kolkata and scanning its culture makes me a feel that Kolkata was way too modern during the Time of British Raj and Independent India. Transportation and other Infrastructure also made me realize that Kolkata was the central and main hub of India and abroad. Time came when the capital was decided to shift to Delhi. But it's civilization and legacy has never become obsolete making it easy for the current generation to know how India's economy was during the independence. Promotion of Art and Literature in Kolkata also comes to know that it was also a cultural capital of India.
Modern Day Kolkata
Despite the current economic situation of West Bengal,Kolkata manages to attract many people across the world,Thanks to its rich heritage and tourist attractions. The footprints of British rule in Kolkata resembles on how the british rules had a Vision of making India a Global economy.
Why one must visit Kolkata?
The above paragraphs says it all. For sports fanatics Eden Gardens is the India's answer for Lord's and Saltlake for football, for architecture lovers Howrah bridge, Fort william and St.Paul's cathedral, cultural fans it is Indian Museum, for Transporters The vintage yellow cars, oldest Metro, only tram service in India.
Do visit Kolkata and bring rasgulla as a sovenior :P
Beautiful architecture in the memory of queen victoria
largest cricket stadium in India
home to largest museum in India
crantiveler bridge