That’s when you rappel down a canyon, right? Well, sort of. I always imagined it with canyons out west, red rocks and plenty of skill. So I was surprised when I saw the picture in our hostel that advertised it with waterfalls.
Canyoning: The sport of exploring a canyon by engaging in such activities as rappelling, rafting and waterfall jumping.
Daniel and I were in Puerto Varas, Chile, in the lakes district. This region is known for its snowcapped volcanoes, rich forests, thermal springs, vivid blue lakes, and waterfalls. Oh yeah, it’s also the ultimate adventure hotspot.
We excitedly signed up for a half-day excursion with Pachamagua Tours. It was $70 bucks per person, and worth every penny! Full body wet-suits and helmets, check & check, to prepare for the icy water.
Llanquihue National Park, where the canyoning would take place, down the Río Blanco. The river and resulting waterfalls are a product of the snow melt coming off the Osorno Volcano.
We are so lucky to have gone with Pachamagua tours. They were not only extremely professional, but they also made me feel very safe and comfortable. After informing me that I would be rappelling down a ’100 foot waterfall, you could imagine the nerves that coursed through my body. But those nerves quickly turned into adrenaline, and this day will go down in history as the funnest, most exhilarating ride of my life.
You also have to jump off a ’30 foot ledge at the end where the main waterfall is. Our guides pretty much told us if we didn’t think we could handle that, might as well sit the day out, because the river ends there. Of course, I watched their YouTube videos prior to going, read all the comments about the tours, and felt confident that I could handle it. Mind you, I definitely would not call myself the athletic type.
And of course the end result of being daring and adventurous, the reason why I travel: best day ever!!! I was sliding down NATURAL slides, jumping off waterfalls, into clear glacier water.
As I always try to do, we ended the day with one of the softest and most serene sunsets I had ever experienced. With the volcanos in the background, it was a sight to see.