Well in life I was never a travel freak until and unless it was my sister who inspired me to travel along with her. I've not been to much places, even if I did it was not really for a travel purpose.

October 2019 was an amazing month for me. It started with a day of massive celebration at my cousins wedding and ended after returning from a wonderful trip to Majuli.
Travelling with my family, listening music all our way we reached Majuli.

Majuli is a beautiful river island located in Assam.
The people of Majuli were like angels, too kind to be expressed in words.
After reaching Majuli we stayed in 'Dekasang resort'. Gosh! The resort was completely ethnic. The interior, the food, the environment, all made me feel so blissful that I wanted to stay there forever.

Okay let me describe about the bed that we slept on. It was immensely creative. It was made by bamboo and fishnet with a tincture of the ethnic vibe and totally comfortable.

After lunch we set out to explore some Satras-hindu temples. They are the perfect examples of peace. The satras that we visited - dakhinpat satra, Auniati satra, kamalabari Satra and Mukha satra.

The best part was the Mukha(mask) Satra. Every mask made was totally beautiful and environment friendly.

The next day we packed our bags to be off for home. On the way home I couldn't stop thinking about the wonderful place.
Majuli is a place worth a visit.