The first think we have all heard about Vietnam since our childhood is the Vietnam War. Growing up, when I read more about the war and the dangerous Agent Orange used by Americans, I was more compelled to visit Vietnam to see the effects for real. Historically, after the forests were destroyed by this pesticide Agent Orange, the Vietnamese soldiers were more vulnerable to the US attack. To escape being visible they made an extensive network of underground tunnels know as the Cu Chi tunnels.
These tunnels are situated two hours from the southern city of Ho Chi Minh City, also called Saigon by the locals. A day tour from any local travel company is the best bet and in budget. Avoid online bookings as they are generally overpriced. After reaching the tunnels you pay for the entry ticket, take a stroll and see the various tunnels and click a few photographs inside the tunnels. The trip should be ideally done with a local English speaking guide to know more about the Vietnamese history.
The best part of this trip is reserved at the end. You get a hands-on experience on the Russian AK-47 in a shooting range. Priced 900 INR for ten bullets this is a must do on your trip to the Cu Chi tunnels. Well if you think it's overpriced, you can share five bullets with one of your fellow traveller but definitely something which you should miss. The other options are the American M-16, and a few semi-automatic guns and pistols which I wouldn't advise as these are not worth the cost.
The trip ends with a complimentary snack of tapioca with a groundnut mix and memories of a life time.